Freedom Index

A Legislative Scorecard Based on the Principles of the U.S. Constitution

Legislative Scorecard Based on the U.S. Constitution

The Legislative Scorecard is a nationwide educational program of The John Birch Society. Its purpose is to create an informed electorate on how state legislators are voting. The Scorecard is nonpartisan; it does not promote any candidate or political party. Bills are selected for their constitutional implications and cost to the taxpayers.

Please share this Scorecard in your district to inform people about your legislator's record on key votes.
U.S. Constitution, Amendment I --- 11 C.F.R. §114(4)(c)(4) --- 616 F.2d 45 (2d Cir. 1980)

Legislative Scorecard

Based on the U.S. Constitution

AK Scorecard 2021-2022

The Legislative Scorecard is a nationwide educational program of The John Birch Society. Its purpose is to create an informed electorate on how state legislators are voting. The Scorecard is nonpartisan; it does not promote any candidate or political party. Bills are selected for their constitutional implications and cost to the taxpayers.

Please share this Scorecard in your district to inform people about your legislator's record on key votes.
U.S. Constitution, Amendment I --- 11 C.F.R. §114(4)(c)(4) --- 616 F.2d 45 (2d Cir. 1980)

The following scorecard lists several key votes in the Alaska State Legislature in 2021 and 2022 and ranks state representatives and senators based on their fidelity to (U.S.) constitutional and limited-government principles.

This is our first state-level Scorecard; the selected votes may not be reflective of legislators’ overall records. Their cumulative scores will change as we add more votes. Please check regularly for updates.

House of Representatives

1. Right to Keep and Bear Arms

Good Vote: Yes
HA6 (SB136) Right to Keep and Bear Arms (failed 2 to 38 on 5/18/2022). Would amend SB136, which pertains to limitations on firearms restrictions during a disaster emergency, by removing the requirement that a person be “qualified under state law” to possess a firearm.

2. United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement

Good Vote: No

SJR15 United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (passed 37 to 2 on 3/16/2022). Recognizes the "importance of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement" in providing the "framework for much of [the] bilateral trade" between the "integrated economies" of Canada and Alaska, as well as "important updates to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)."

3. Prohibiting COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates

Good Vote: Yes
SB156 Prohibiting COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates (failed 14 to 21 on 5/15/2022). Would prohibit state or local government-imposed COVID-19 vaccine mandates and protect individuals against unlawful discrimination by employers based on their vaccination status.

4. Excluding Abortion-Inducing Drugs from Telehealth

Good Vote: Yes
HA2 (SB3006) Excluding Abortion-Inducing Drugs from Telehealth (failed 15 to 21 on 9/12/2021). Would amend SB3006, which relates to telehealth, to exclude the prescribing of an abortion-inducing drug without an in-person physical examination.

5. Cutting State Spending

Good Vote: Yes

HA57 (HB69) Cutting State Spending (failed 12 to 27 on 5/10/2021). Would amend HB69, Alaska’s 2021-22 budget bill, by directing state agencies to identify means of reducing per capita state spending to not more than twice the national average by the end of FY 2023.

6. Limiting the Governor's Emergency Powers

Good Vote: Yes

HA4 (HB76) Limiting the Governor's Emergency Powers (failed 17 to 21 on 3/25/2021). Would amend HB76, which extends the COVID-19 public health disaster emergency, to include the provision that the Governor may not declare a disaster emergency unless authorized by a majority vote of the Legislature.

Legislator Scores
[ + ] Pro-liberty Vote[ - ] Anti-liberty Vote[ . ] Did not Vote
Name Party District Score 123456
Benjamin Carpenter R HD-029 50% --+.+.
Mike Cronk R HD-006 50% --++-+
Harriet Drummond D HD-018 0% ------
David Eastman R HD-010 100% ++++++
Bryce Edgmon I HD-037 0% ------
William Fields D HD-020 0% --.---
Neal Foster D HD-039 0% ------
Ron Gillham R HD-030 67% --++++
Sara Hannan D HD-033 0% ------
Grier Hopkins D HD-004 0% ------
DeLena Johnson R HD-011 67% --++++
Andrew Josephson D HD-017 0% ------
Jonathan Kreiss-Tomkins D HD-035 0% ------
Christopher Kurka R HD-007 100% ++++++
Barton LeBon R HD-001 33% ---+-+
Kevin McCabe R HD-008 67% --++++
Ken McCarty R HD-013 20% --.--+
Thomas McKay R HD-024 67% --++++
David Nelson R HD-015 50% --..++
Daniel Ortiz I HD-036 0% ------
Josiah Patkotak I HD-040 0% ---..-
Mike Prax R HD-003 50% --+-++
Sara Rasmussen R HD-022 33% --++--
George Rauscher R HD-009 50% --++-+
Calvin Schrage I HD-025 0% ------
Laddie Shaw R HD-026 50% -..+-+
Liz Snyder D HD-027 0% ------
Ivy Spohnholz D HD-016 0% ------
Andrea Story D HD-034 0% ------
Louise Stutes R HD-032 0% ------
Geran Tarr D HD-019 0% ------
Steve Thompson R HD-002 17% -----+
Cathy Tilton R HD-012 67% --++++
Chris Tuck D HD-023 0% ------
Sarah Vance R HD-031 67% --++++
Adam Wool D HD-005 0% ------
Tiffany Zulkosky D HD-038 0% ------

Average Constitutional Score by Party

Party Score
Republican 52.9%
Democrat 0%
Independent 0%