SJR23-006 proclaims that “it is time for the United States Congress to pass the Equal Rights Amendment.”

The House passed SJR23-006 on March 2, 2023, by a vote of 52 to 12. We have assigned pluses to the noes because the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) would empower Congress to enforce radical feminist and anti-constitutional legislation on a potentially unlimited number of issues related to ‘sex discrimination,’ ranging anywhere from ‘bodily autonomy’ (e.g., abortion) to ‘gender equity’ (e.g., equal pay). It amounts to nothing less than an all-out declaration of war against women, and if its egalitarian proponents get their way, the ERA will have far-reaching policy implications. The underlying problem with the ERA is that it is based on the false premise of ‘gender equality.’ Neither ‘women’s rights’ nor ‘human rights’ can be defined apart from the fact that every person is born distinctly male or female. Although both men and women are made in the image of “their Creator,” they each, according to biological sex, have unique, but complementary, characteristics and roles in the family and in society. Whereas the Bill of Rights and the 14th Amendment guarantee “equal protection” for the “certain unalienable Rights” of all individuals, consistent with the “Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God,” the ERA would alter the U.S. Constitution in a vain attempt to deny them and impose ‘equal outcomes.’

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