Freedom Index

A Legislative Scorecard Based on the Principles of the U.S. Constitution

Legislative Scorecard Based on the U.S. Constitution

The Legislative Scorecard is a nationwide educational program of The John Birch Society. Its purpose is to create an informed electorate on how state legislators are voting. The Scorecard is nonpartisan; it does not promote any candidate or political party. Bills are selected for their constitutional implications and cost to the taxpayers.

Please share this Scorecard in your district to inform people about your legislator's record on key votes.
U.S. Constitution, Amendment I --- 11 C.F.R. §114(4)(c)(4) --- 616 F.2d 45 (2d Cir. 1980)

Legislative Scorecard

Based on the U.S. Constitution

CT Scorecard 2023

The Legislative Scorecard is a nationwide educational program of The John Birch Society. Its purpose is to create an informed electorate on how state legislators are voting. The Scorecard is nonpartisan; it does not promote any candidate or political party. Bills are selected for their constitutional implications and cost to the taxpayers.

Please share this Scorecard in your district to inform people about your legislator's record on key votes.
U.S. Constitution, Amendment I --- 11 C.F.R. §114(4)(c)(4) --- 616 F.2d 45 (2d Cir. 1980)

The following scorecard lists several key votes in the Connecticut Legislature in 2023 and ranks state representatives and senators based on their fidelity to (U.S.) constitutional and limited-government principles.

This is our second state-level Scorecard; the selected votes may not be reflective of legislators’ overall records. Their cumulative scores will change as we add more votes. Please check regularly for updates.

House of Representatives

1. "Reproductive Health"

Good Vote: No

SB1108 "Reproductive Health" (Passed 114 to 34 on 6/1/2023). Requires public higher education boards to establish a plan, ensuring "reproductive health care services" for residential campus students.

2. Redefining "Sexual Orientation"

Good Vote: No

HB6638 Defining "Sexual Orientation" (Passed 132 to 17 on 5/9/2023). Redefines "sexual orientation" to mean a person's "identity" in relation to the gender or genders to which they are romantically, emotionally, or sexually attracted, and adds "age" as a protected class.

3. Embracing Digital Currency

Good Vote: No

HB6752 Embracing Digital Currency (Passed 129 to 14 on 5/4/2023). Empowers the Banking Commissioner to regulate digital asset business practices, defines key terms like "virtual currency address," "virtual currency kiosk," and "virtual currency wallet," and sets forth requirements for virtual currency kiosk owners/operators to enhance transparency and consumer protection.

4. Green Energy

Good Vote: No

SB1147 Green Energy (Passed 109 to 41 on 6/7/2023). Enhances the environmental and public health considerations made under the state's environmental justice statute.

5. State Student Loan Grant

Good Vote: No

HB6901 State Student Loan Grant (Passed 114 to 33 on 6/1/2023). Establishes a pilot program to reimburse certain professionals for student loan payments.

6. Medicaid Expansion

Good Vote: No
HB6587 Medicaid Expansion (Passed 129 to 16 on 5/3/2023). Provides Medicaid coverage, to the extent permissible under federal law, for diapers.
Legislator Scores
[ + ] Pro-liberty Vote[ - ] Anti-liberty Vote[ . ] Did not Vote
Name Party District Score 123456
Timothy Ackert R HD-008 33% +--+--
Raghib Allie-Brennan D HD-002 0% ------
Mark Anderson R HD-062 83% +++-++
Chris Aniskovich R HD-035 17% ---+--
Tom Arnone D HD-058 0% ------
Hector Arzeno D HD-151 0% ------
Andre Baker D HD-124 0% .---.-
Jill Barry D HD-031 0% ------
Kai Belton D HD-100 0% ------
Aimee Berger-Girvalo D HD-111 0% -.----
Matt Blumenthal D HD-147 0% ------
Mitch Bolinsky R HD-106 67% +--+++
Patrick Boyd D HD-050 0% ------
Seth Bronko R HD-070 50% ++--+-
Kevin Brown D HD-056 0% ------
Marcus Brown D HD-127 0% ------
William Buckbee R HD-067 50% +-+-+-
Aundre Bumgardner R HD-041 17% --+---
Larry Butler D HD-072 0% ------
Pat Callahan R HD-108 33% +---+-
Juan Candelaria D HD-095 0% ------
Vincent Candelora R HD-086 33% ---++-
Devin Carney R HD-023 0% ------
Christie Carpino R HD-032 17% ----+-
Jay Case R HD-063 33% ---++-
Brandon Chafee D HD-033 0% ------
Rachel Chaleski R HD-138 0% ------
Holly Cheeseman R HD-037 17% ---+--
Robin Comey D HD-102 0% --.--.
Julio Concepcion D HD-004 0% ------
Christine Conley D HD-040 0% ------
Michelle Cook D HD-065 0% ------
Francis Cooley R HD-022 50% +--+-+
Jeffrey Currey D HD-011 0% -----.
Michael D'Agostino D HD-091 0% .---.-
Laura Dancho R HD-120 33% +---+-
Lucy Dathan D HD-142 0% ------
Anne Dauphinais R HD-044 100% ++++++
Mark DeCaprio R HD-048 100% ++++++
Hubert Delany D HD-144 0% .---.-
Tom Delnicki R HD-014 0% ------
Mike Demicco D HD-021 0% ------
Keith Denning D HD-042 0% ------
Michael Digiovancarlo D HD-074 0% ------
Patricia Dillon D HD-092 0% ------
Jason Doucette D HD-013 0% ------
Douglas Dubitsky R HD-047 100% ++++++
Joshua Elliott D HD-088 0% ------
Tammy Exum D HD-019 0% ------
Kate Farrar D HD-020 0% ------
Jonathan Fazzino D HD-083 0% ------
Antonio Felipe D HD-130 0% ------
Charles Ferraro R HD-117 33% ---++-
Anabel Figueroa D HD-148 17% +-----
Craig Fishbein R HD-090 83% -+++++
Martin Foncello R HD-107 50% +--++-
Mary Fortier D HD-079 0% ------
Jaime Foster D HD-057 0% ------
Jane Garibay D HD-060 0% ------
Fred Gee D HD-126 0% ------
Henry Genga D HD-010 0% ------
Bobby Gibson D HD-015 0% --.---
Jillian Gilchrest D HD-018 0% ------
Bob Godfrey D HD-110 0% ------
Minnie Gonzalez D HD-003 33% +-+---
Joseph Gresko D HD-121 0% ------
Gregory Haddad D HD-054 0% ------
Irene Haines R HD-034 50% ---+++
Carol Hall R HD-059 33% ---++-
Joshua Hall D HD-007 0% ------
Cindy Harrison R HD-069 50% +--++-
Rick Hayes R HD-051 83% ++-+++
Maria Horn D HD-064 0% ------
Greg Howard R HD-043 17% ---+--
Joe Hoxha R HD-078 67% ++-+-+
Anne Hughes D HD-135 0% ------
Susan Johnson D HD-049 0% ------
Dominique Johnson D HD-143 0% ------
Eleni Kavros DeGraw D HD-017 0% ------
Dorinda Keenan Borer D HD-115 0% ------
Sarah Keitt D HD-134 0% ------
Kathy Kennedy R HD-119 17% ---+--
Maryam Khan D HD-005 0% ------
Rachel Khanna D HD-149 0% ------
Nicole Klarides-Ditria R HD-105 17% ---+--
David Labriola R HD-131 33% +---+-
Brian Lanoue R HD-045 67% ++-++-
Jennifer Leeper D HD-132 0% ------
Roland Lemar D HD-096 0% ------
Liz Linehan D HD-103 0% ------
Geoffrey Luxenberg D HD-012 0% ------
Tracy Marra R HD-141 17% ---+--
Gale Mastrofrancesco R HD-080 100% ++++++
Cristin McCarthy Vahey D HD-133 0% ------
Kathleen McCarty R HD-038 0% ------
Trenee McGee D HD-116 17% +-----
Ben Mcgorty R HD-122 50% +--++-
Stephen Meskers D HD-150 0% ------
David Michel D HD-146 0% ---.--
Amy Morrin Bello D HD-028 0% ------
Mary Mushinsky D HD-085 0% ------
Ronald Napoli D HD-073 0% ------
Anthony Nolan D HD-039 0% ------
Tammy Nuccio R HD-053 33% +--+--
Tom O'Dea R HD-125 20% ---+-.
Melissa Osborne D HD-016 0% ------
Christine Palm D HD-036 0% ------
Alphonse Paolillo D HD-097 0% ------
Corey Paris D HD-145 0% --.---
John-Michael Parker D HD-101 0% ------
Christine Pavalock-D'Amato R HD-077 75% -+.++.
Jason Perillo R HD-113 20% ---+-.
John Piscopo R HD-076 83% ++-+++
William Pizzuto R HD-071 67% ++-++-
Joe Polletta R HD-068 17% ---+--
Robyn Porter D HD-094 17% +-----
Christopher Poulos D HD-081 0% ------
Michael Quinn D HD-082 0% ------
Moira Rader D HD-098 0% ------
Karen Reddington-Hughes R HD-066 100% ++++++
Geraldo Reyes D HD-075 33% +-+---
Matthew Ritter D HD-001 0% ------
Kadeem Roberts D HD-137 0% ------
Kara Rochelle D HD-104 0% ------
Jason Rojas D HD-009 0% ------
Christopher Rosario D HD-128 0% ------
David Rutigliano R HD-123 17% ---+--
Kevin Ryan D HD-139 0% ------
Emmanuel Sanchez D HD-024 0% ------
Robert Sanchez D HD-025 0% --.---
James Sanchez D HD-006 0% ------
Hilda Santiago D HD-084 17% --+---
Farley Santos D HD-109 0% ------
Tony Scott R HD-112 50% +--++-
Travis Simms D HD-140 0% ------
Frank Smith D HD-118 0% ------
Steven Stafstrom D HD-129 0% ------
Jonathan Steinberg D HD-136 0% ------
Kerry Szeps Wood D HD-029 0% ------
Peter Tercyak D HD-026 0% ------
Gary Turco D HD-027 0% ------
Kurt Vail R HD-052 83% ++++-+
Edwin Vargas D HD-006 NA ......
Donna Veach R HD-030 83% ++-+++
Toni Walker D HD-093 0% --.---
Steve Weir R HD-055 83% ++-+++
Mary Welander D HD-114 0% --.-..
Quentin Williams D HD-100 NA ......
Derell Wilson D HD-046 0% ------
Dave Yaccarino R HD-087 50% --+++-
Tami Zawistowski R HD-061 50% +--++-
Joseph Zullo R HD-099 0% -..---
Lezlye Zupkus R HD-089 50% +--++-

Average Constitutional Score by Party

Party Score
Republican 45.9%
Democrat 1.4%