Freedom Index

A Legislative Scorecard Based on the Principles of the U.S. Constitution

Legislative Scorecard Based on the U.S. Constitution

The Legislative Scorecard is a nationwide educational program of The John Birch Society. Its purpose is to create an informed electorate on how state legislators are voting. The Scorecard is nonpartisan; it does not promote any candidate or political party. Bills are selected for their constitutional implications and cost to the taxpayers.

Please share this Scorecard in your district to inform people about your legislator's record on key votes.
U.S. Constitution, Amendment I --- 11 C.F.R. §114(4)(c)(4) --- 616 F.2d 45 (2d Cir. 1980)

Legislative Scorecard

Based on the U.S. Constitution

FL Scorecard 2017-2018

The Legislative Scorecard is a nationwide educational program of The John Birch Society. Its purpose is to create an informed electorate on how state legislators are voting. The Scorecard is nonpartisan; it does not promote any candidate or political party. Bills are selected for their constitutional implications and cost to the taxpayers.

Please share this Scorecard in your district to inform people about your legislator's record on key votes.
U.S. Constitution, Amendment I --- 11 C.F.R. §114(4)(c)(4) --- 616 F.2d 45 (2d Cir. 1980)

The following scorecard lists several key votes in the Florida Legislature in 2017 and 2018 and ranks state representatives and senators based on their fidelity to (U.S.) constitutional and limited government principles.

The selected votes may not be reflective of legislators’ overall records. Their cumulative scores will change as we add more votes. Please check regularly for updates.


1. Religious Expression in Schools

Good Vote: Yes

SB436 Religious Expression in Schools (Passed 23 to 13 on 3/23/17). Prohibits a school district from discriminating against students and teachers on the basis of religious belief and allows for expression of religious views in schoolwork. 

2. The Right to Self-Defense

Good Vote: Yes

SB1052 The Right to Self-Defense (Passed 23 to 14 on 5/4/2017). Bolsters "stand your ground"-style protections, authorizing the use of deadly force when one is threatened inside a car or residence. 

3. Targeting Cash Assistance

Good Vote: Yes

HB23 Targeting Cash Assistance (Passed 37 to 0 on 5/5/2017). Requires a work plan agreement for temporary cash assistance and brought public assistance policy in line with federal Trump-era reforms. 

4. Strengthening Stand Your Ground

Good Vote: Yes

SB128 Strengthening Stand Your Ground (Passed 22 to 14 on 5/5/2017). Requires the state to provide "clear and convincing evidence" that a self-defense claim is invalid.  

5. Firearm Restrictions

Good Vote: No

SB7026 Firearm Restrictions (Failed to pass 15 to 23 on 3/3/2018). Exploits the tragedy at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School to push through a wide-ranging attack on 2nd Amendment rights. 

6. Supermajority Needed for Tax Increase

Good Vote: Yes

HB7001 Supermajority Needed for Tax Increase (Passed 25 to 13 on 3/5/2018). Prohibits new taxes and tax increases from being imposed, unless approved by two-thirds of each house of legislature.

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Legislator Scores
[ + ] Pro-liberty Vote[ - ] Anti-liberty Vote[ . ] Did not Vote
Name Party District Score 123456

Average Constitutional Score by Party

Party Score