Freedom Index

A Legislative Scorecard Based on the Principles of the U.S. Constitution

Legislative Scorecard Based on the U.S. Constitution

The Legislative Scorecard is a nationwide educational program of The John Birch Society. Its purpose is to create an informed electorate on how state legislators are voting. The Scorecard is nonpartisan; it does not promote any candidate or political party. Bills are selected for their constitutional implications and cost to the taxpayers.

Please share this Scorecard in your district to inform people about your legislator's record on key votes.
U.S. Constitution, Amendment I --- 11 C.F.R. §114(4)(c)(4) --- 616 F.2d 45 (2d Cir. 1980)

Legislative Scorecard

Based on the U.S. Constitution

GA Scorecard 2019-2020

The Legislative Scorecard is a nationwide educational program of The John Birch Society. Its purpose is to create an informed electorate on how state legislators are voting. The Scorecard is nonpartisan; it does not promote any candidate or political party. Bills are selected for their constitutional implications and cost to the taxpayers.

Please share this Scorecard in your district to inform people about your legislator's record on key votes.
U.S. Constitution, Amendment I --- 11 C.F.R. §114(4)(c)(4) --- 616 F.2d 45 (2d Cir. 1980)

The following scorecard lists several key votes in the Georgia Legislature in 2019-2020 and ranks their State Senators and House Representatives based on their fidelity to (U.S.) constitutional and limited-government principles.

This is our first state-level Scorecard; the selected votes may not be reflective of legislators’ overall records. Their cumulative scores will change as we add more votes. Please check regularly for updates.

House of Representatives

1. Increase in Debt

Good Vote: No

HB221 Increase in Debt (Passed 164 to 6 on 2/5/2019). Increases the amount of debt that the state of Georgia can take on by $100 million, with minimal provisions on where it can be spent.

2. Expanding Healthcare Schemes

Good Vote: No

HB321 Expanding Healthcare Schemes (Passed 147 to 19 on 3/29/2019). Would extend currently existing subsidy programs for rural hospitals, using tax money from the entire state to fund them.

3. 2nd Amendment for Hunting

Good Vote: Yes

SB72 Second Amendment for Hunting (Passed 105 to 61 on 4/2/2019). Allows hunters to use rifles in more scenarios, including in wildlife management hunting.

4. Hate Crime Hoax

Good Vote: No

HB426 Hate Crime Hoax (Passed 127 to 38 on 6/23/2020). Adds penalties to the sentences of those who are charged with hate crimes.

5. Public Transit Tax

Good Vote: No

HB105 Public Transit Tax (Passed 150 to 7 on 6/18/2020). Takes tax money from ride share transactions and puts it toward public transit projects around the state.

6. Additional Online Taxes

Good Vote: No
HB276 Additional Online Taxes (Passed 111 to 54 on 4/1/2020). Increases the amount of sales tax that consumers would be paying with regards to online purchases.
Legislator Scores
[ + ] Pro-liberty Vote[ - ] Anti-liberty Vote[ . ] Did not Vote
Name Party District Score 123456
Kimberly Alexander D HD-066 0% -----.
Erick Allen D HD-040 33% --+--+
Teri Anulewicz D HD-042 17% --+---
Mandi Ballinger R HD-023 25% --+..-
Timothy Barr R HD-103 50% -+++--
Matt Barton R HD-005 33% --++--
Debra Bazemore D HD-063 17% -----+
Sharon Beasley-Teague D HD-065 20% -.---+
Dave Belton R HD-112 17% --+---
Karen Bennett D HD-094 17% -----+
Patty Bentley D HD-139 0% ---.--
Tommy Benton R HD-031 33% --++--
James Beverly D HD-143 17% -----+
Shaw Blackmon R HD-146 17% --+---
William Boddie D HD-062 17% -----+
Josh Bonner R HD-072 33% --++--
Roger Bruce D HD-061 40% --+-.+
Debbie Buckner D HD-137 20% --+-.-
James Burchett R HD-176 25% ..+---
Rhonda Burnough D HD-077 0% ------
Jon Burns R HD-159 17% --+---
Michael Caldwell R HD-020 50% -+++--
Joe Campbell R HD-171 NA ...--.
Park Cannon D HD-058 20% ----+.
Wes Cantrell R HD-022 50% -+++--
Kasey Carpenter R HD-004 0% --.---
John Carson R HD-046 33% --++--
Doreen Carter D HD-092 33% -+---+
Mike Cheokas R HD-138 20% -.+---
David Clark R HD-098 40% -++--.
Heath Clark R HD-147 17% --+---
Jasmine Clark D HD-108 17% -----+
J Collins R HD-068 17% --+---
Kevin Cooke R HD-018 60% +++.--
Sharon Cooper R HD-043 17% --+---
John Corbett R HD-174 17% --+---
Viola Davis D HD-087 17% -----+
Katie Dempsey R HD-013 20% --+--.
Pam Dickerson D HD-113 17% -----+
Robert Dickey R HD-140 17% --+---
Matt Dollar R HD-045 17% --+---
Demetrius Douglas D HD-078 17% -----+
Karla Drenner D HD-085 17% -----+
David Dreyer D HD-059 0% ----.-
Matt Dubnik R HD-029 17% --+---
Winfred Dukes D HD-154 0% ------
Emory Dunahoo R HD-030 20% --.+--
Chuck Efstration R HD-104 33% -++---
Ginny Ehrhart R HD-036 33% --++--
Terry England R HD-116 20% --+.--
Chris Erwin R HD-028 0% ...---
Becky Evans D HD-083 0% ------
Barry Fleming R HD-121 33% --+--+
Gloria Frazier D HD-126 17% -----+
Spencer Frye D HD-118 0% -----.
Houston Gaines R HD-117 17% --+---
Matthew Gambill R HD-015 33% --++--
Patricia Gardner D HD-057 0% ------
Carl Gilliard D HD-162 17% --+---
Sheri Gilligan R HD-024 67% -+++-+
Mike Glanton D HD-075 NA ....--
Craig Gordon D HD-163 17% -----+
Micah Gravley R HD-067 33% --++--
Gerald Greene R HD-151 17% --+---
Joseph Gullett R HD-019 50% -+++--
Matt Gurtler R HD-008 100% ++++++
Brett Harrell R HD-106 20% --+-.-
Matt Hatchett R HD-150 17% --+---
Lee Hawkins R HD-027 17% --+---
Michele Henson D HD-086 20% .----+
Dewayne Hill R HD-003 33% --++--
Bill Hitchens R HD-161 17% --+---
Don Hogan R HD-179 17% --+---
Scott Holcomb D HD-081 0% .---.-
Betsy Holland D HD-054 17% -----+
El-Mahdi Holly D HD-111 20% --.--+
Susan Holmes R HD-129 0% --...-
CaMia Hopson D HD-153 17% -----+
Penny Houston R HD-170 17% --+---
Henry "Wayne" Howard D HD-124 33% .--..+
Carolyn Hugley D HD-136 17% -----+
Shelly Hutchinson D HD-107 33% --+--+
Mack Jackson D HD-128 0% .-.-.-
Derrick Jackson D HD-064 17% -----+
Rick Jasperse R HD-011 33% --++--
Jan Jones R HD-047 17% --+---
Todd Jones R HD-025 40% -+.+--
Sheila Jones D HD-053 25% --..-+
Vernon Jones D HD-091 20% --+--.
Jeff Jones R HD-167 17% --+---
Angelika Kausche D HD-050 0% ------
Trey Kelley R HD-016 17% --+---
Dar'shun Kendrick D HD-093 17% -----+
Gregg Kennard D HD-102 0% ----.-
Tom Kirby R HD-114 17% --+---
David Knight R HD-130 33% --++--
John LaHood R HD-175 33% --++--
Dominic Lariccia R HD-169 33% --++--
Brenda Lopez Romero D HD-099 17% -----+
Jodi Lott R HD-122 25% --+.-.
Eddie Lumsden R HD-012 17% --+---
Pedro "Pete" Marin D HD-096 25% ---..+
Chuck Martin R HD-049 17% --+---
Karen Mathiak R HD-073 17% --+---
Danny Mathis R HD-144 33% --++--
Tom McCall R HD-033 40% -.++--
Dewey McClain D HD-100 20% ----.+
Donna McLeod D HD-105 17% -----+
Steven Meeks R HD-178 17% --+---
Marie Metze D HD-055 20% ----.+
Billy Mitchell D HD-088 0% ------
Martin Momtahan R HD-017 50% -+++--
Beth Moore D HD-095 0% ------
Greg Morris R HD-156 33% --++--
Marc Morris R HD-026 50% -+++--
Sheila Nelson D HD-125 20% .----+
Mark Newton R HD-123 33% --+--+
Bee Nguyen D HD-089 33% ----++
Randy Nix R HD-069 17% --+---
Mary Margaret Oliver D HD-082 17% -----+
Miriam Paris D HD-142 17% -----+
Sam Park D HD-101 17% -----+
Butch Parrish R HD-158 17% --+---
Don Parsons R HD-044 20% -.+---
Jesse Petrea R HD-166 20% -.+---
Clay Pirkle R HD-155 33% --++--
Alan Powell R HD-032 17% --+---
Jay Powell R HD-171 33% --+...
Brian Prince D HD-127 25% .-.--+
Jimmy Pruett R HD-149 50% --++..
Ken Pullin R HD-131 100% ++++..
David Ralston R HD-007 NA ......
Bert Reeves R HD-034 17% --+---
Trey Rhodes R HD-120 17% --+---
Bonnie Rich R HD-097 0% ----.-
Jason Ridley R HD-006 33% --++--
Mary Robichaux D HD-048 17% -----+
Terry Rogers R HD-010 20% --+.--
Dale Rutledge R HD-109 20% -+.---
Ed Rynders R HD-152 33% --+...
Steven Sainz R HD-180 17% --+---
Kim Schofield D HD-060 17% -----+
Mitchell Scoggins R HD-014 40% -.++--
Sandra Scott D HD-076 17% -----+
Renitta Shannon D HD-084 33% ----++
Dexter Sharper D HD-177 0% ------
Deborah Silcox R HD-053 17% --+---
Philip Singleton R HD-071 100% ...+++
Vance Smith R HD-133 17% --+---
Lynn Smith R HD-070 0% --.---
Michael Smith D HD-041 25% ---..+
Richard Smith R HD-134 17% --+---
Calvin Smyre D HD-135 0% ------
Ron Stephens R HD-164 17% --+---
Mickey Stephens D HD-165 NA --....
Pam Stephenson D HD-090 33% -.-..+
Valencia Stovall D HD-074 0% -.----
David Stover R HD-071 100% +++...
Jan Tankersley R HD-160 17% --+---
Kevin Tanner R HD-009 33% --++--
Steve Tarvin R HD-002 60% -+++.-
Darlene Taylor R HD-173 17% --+---
Erica Thomas D HD-039 33% ----++
Mable Thomas D HD-056 25% -.+--.
Robert Trammell D HD-132 0% -----.
Scot Turner R HD-021 100% ++++.+
Dale Washburn R HD-141 17% --+---
Andrew Welch R HD-110 17% --+---
Bill Werkheiser R HD-157 17% --+---
Marcus Wiedower R HD-119 17% --+---
Mike Wilensky D HD-079 0% ------
David Wilkerson D HD-038 20% ----.+
Mary Frances Williams D HD-037 17% -----+
Noel Williams, Jr. R HD-148 17% --+---
Al Williams D HD-168 25% -.+--.
Bruce Williamson R HD-115 17% --+---
Matthew Wilson D HD-080 17% -----+
Bill Yearta R HD-152 33% ...+--

Average Constitutional Score by Party

Party Score
Democrat 15.7%
Republican 28.8%