Freedom Index

A Legislative Scorecard Based on the Principles of the U.S. Constitution

Legislative Scorecard Based on the U.S. Constitution

The Legislative Scorecard is a nationwide educational program of The John Birch Society. Its purpose is to create an informed electorate on how state legislators are voting. The Scorecard is nonpartisan; it does not promote any candidate or political party. Bills are selected for their constitutional implications and cost to the taxpayers.

Please share this Scorecard in your district to inform people about your legislator's record on key votes.
U.S. Constitution, Amendment I --- 11 C.F.R. §114(4)(c)(4) --- 616 F.2d 45 (2d Cir. 1980)

Legislative Scorecard

Based on the U.S. Constitution

IA Scorecard 2021-2022

The Legislative Scorecard is a nationwide educational program of The John Birch Society. Its purpose is to create an informed electorate on how state legislators are voting. The Scorecard is nonpartisan; it does not promote any candidate or political party. Bills are selected for their constitutional implications and cost to the taxpayers.

Please share this Scorecard in your district to inform people about your legislator's record on key votes.
U.S. Constitution, Amendment I --- 11 C.F.R. §114(4)(c)(4) --- 616 F.2d 45 (2d Cir. 1980)

The following scorecard lists several key votes in the Iowa Legislature in 2021-2022 and ranks their State Senators and House Representatives based on their fidelity to (U.S.) constitutional and limited-government principles.

This is our first state-level Scorecard; the selected votes may not be reflective of legislators’ overall records. Their cumulative scores will change as we add more votes. Please check regularly for updates.

House of Representatives

1. Unemployment Reduction

Good Vote: Yes

HF2355 Unemployment Reduction (Passed 58 to 37 on 3/23/2022). Reduces unemployment benefits in the state by 10 weeks, reducing the number of weeks from 26 to 16.

2. Vaccine Mandate Ban

Good Vote: Yes

HF2298 Vaccine Mandate Ban (Passed 57 to 36 on 2/28/2022). Ensures that K-12 students cannot be forced into receiving a COVID-19 vaccination.

3. Athletics Based on Sex

Good Vote: Yes

HF2416 Athletics Based on Sex (Passed 55 to 39 on 2/21/2022). Requires that student athletes in public schools, private schools, and universities can only play on sports teams of the gender that is stated on their birth certificate.

4. Constitutional Carry

Good Vote: Yes

HF756 Constitutional Carry (Passed 60 to 37 on 3/17/2021). Removes the requirement for a permit to acquire or carry a handgun or when selling a firearm to another private person.

5. Solar Energy Tax Credit

Good Vote: No

HF2556 Solar Energy Tax Credit (Passed 94 to 0 on 3/30/2022). Provides a tax credit for putting in place and having a solar energy system.

6. Garbage Search

Good Vote: No

SF2296 Garbage Search (Passed 58 to 36 on 3/22/2022).  Allows that no search warrant is needed for a peace officer to look through a person's garbage placed outside of someone’s residence.

Legislator Scores
[ + ] Pro-liberty Vote[ - ] Anti-liberty Vote[ . ] Did not Vote
Name Party District Score 123456
Ako Abdul-Samad D HD-035 0% .----.
Marti Anderson D HD-036 17% -----+
Eddie Andrews R HD-039 67% ++++--
Robert Bacon R HD-048 67% ++++--
Terry Baxter R HD-008 67% ++++--
Liz Bennett D HD-065 17% -----+
Michael Bergan R HD-055 50% ++-+--
Brian Best R HD-012 80% ++++.-
Jane Bloomingdale R HD-051 67% ++++--
Brooke Boden R HD-026 67% ++++--
Christina Bohannan D HD-085 0% -.--..
Jacob Bossman R HD-006 67% ++++--
Mike Bousselot R HD-037 60% +++.--
Steven Bradley R HD-058 67% ++++--
Wesley Breckenridge D HD-029 NA ...+..
Holly Brink R HD-080 67% ++++--
Timi Brown-powers D HD-061 17% -----+
Dennis Bush R HD-003 67% ++++--
Sue Cahill D HD-071 17% -----+
Mark Cisneros R HD-091 83% ++++-+
Dennis Cohoon D HD-087 17% -----+
Dave Deyoe R HD-049 67% ++++--
Cecil Dolecheck R HD-024 67% ++++--
Molly Donahue D HD-068 17% -----+
Jon Dunwell R HD-029 80% +++.-+
Tracy Ehlert D HD-070 17% -----+
Dean Fisher R HD-072 67% ++++--
John Forbes D HD-040 17% -----+
Joel Fry R HD-027 60% ++.+--
Ruth Ann Gaines D HD-032 33% ..-.-+
Thomas Gerhold R HD-075 67% ++++--
Eric Gjerde D HD-067 0% ------
Garrett Gobble R HD-038 67% ++++--
Martin Graber R HD-083 50% -+++--
Pat Grassley R HD-050 67% ++++--
Stan Gustafson R HD-025 67% ++++--
Chris Hall D HD-013 17% -----+
Steve Hansen D HD-014 0% ------
Lee Hein R HD-096 67% ++++--
Megan Hess Jones R HD-002 67% ++++--
Dustin Hite R HD-079 67% ++++--
Steven Holt R HD-018 67% ++++--
Bruce Hunter D HD-034 17% -----+
Chad Ingels R HD-064 67% ++++--
Charles Isenhart D HD-100 17% -----+
Jon Jacobsen R HD-022 60% ++.+--
Dave Jacoby D HD-074 0% .---.-
Lindsay James D HD-099 0% .----.
Thomas Jeneary R HD-005 67% ++++--
Kenan Judge D HD-044 0% ------
Bobby Kaufmann R HD-073 67% ++++--
David Kerr R HD-088 67% ++++--
Jarad Klein R HD-078 50% +..+--
Jennifer Konfrst D HD-043 20% ----.+
Bob Kressig D HD-059 0% -.---.
Monica Kurth D HD-089 17% -----+
John Landon R HD-037 NA ...+..
Shannon Latham R HD-054 67% ++++--
Brian Lohse R HD-030 67% +-++-+
Shannon Lundgren R HD-057 67% ++++--
Mary Mascher D HD-086 17% -----+
David Maxwell R HD-076 60% ++.+--
Charlie McClintock R HD-095 60% -+++-.
Charlie McConkey D HD-015 17% -----+
Ann Meyer R HD-009 67% ++++--
Brian Meyer D HD-033 17% -----+
Joe Mitchell R HD-084 60% +.++--
Gary Mohr R HD-094 80% ++++.-
Norlin Mommsen R HD-097 67% ++++--
Tom Moore R HD-021 67% ++++--
Amy Nielsen D HD-077 20% ---.-+
Carter Nordman R HD-019 67% ++++--
Jo Oldson D HD-041 20% ---.-+
Rick Olson D HD-031 20% ----.+
Anne Osmundson R HD-056 67% ++++--
Ross Paustian R HD-092 67% ++++--
Todd Prichard D HD-052 20% --.--+
Kirsten Running-Marquardt D HD-069 17% -----+
Sandy Salmon R HD-063 67% ++++--
Michael Sexton R HD-010 67% ++++--
Jeff Shipley R HD-082 83% ++++-+
David Sieck R HD-023 80% ++++-.
Brent Siegrist R HD-016 67% ++++--
Ras Smith D HD-062 33% -+---+
Ray Sorensen R HD-020 67% ++++--
Art Staed D HD-066 17% -----+
Sharon Steckman D HD-053 17% -----+
Henry Stone R HD-007 67% ++++--
Kristin Sunde D HD-042 40% -+.--+
Phyllis Thede D HD-093 0% ------
Phil Thompson R HD-047 80% +.++-+
Jon Thorup R HD-028 60% +.++--
Beth Wessel-Kroeschell D HD-045 17% -----+
Cherielynn Westrich R HD-081 67% ++++--
Skyler Wheeler R HD-004 67% ++++--
Ross Wilburn D HD-046 20% .----+
Dave Williams D HD-060 17% -----+
John Wills R HD-001 67% ++++--
Cindy Winckler D HD-090 17% -----+
Matt Windschitl R HD-017 67% ++++--
Mary Wolfe D HD-098 17% -----+
Gary Worthan R HD-011 67% ++++--

Average Constitutional Score by Party

Party Score
Democrat 15%
Republican 67%