H602 bars the use of public funds or resources to support teachers unions.

The House failed to pass H602 on March 7, 2024, by a vote of 31 to 38. We have assigned pluses to the ayes because a child’s education is not the role of government—rather, it is the responsibility of his or her family. Absolutely no money should be extorted from taxpayers so that ‘woke,’ corrupt, and power-hungry teachers unions (e.g., NEA or AFT) can continue to preach socialism in the classroom. The best ‘school choice,’ by far, is for parents to choose not to send their children or their hard-earned dollars to any government school. Educational and economic freedom cannot be achieved if the people of Idaho consent to their legislators forcing their fellow citizens to fund all that now entails a compulsory, failing, and government-run K-12 school system. 

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