Freedom Index

A Legislative Scorecard Based on the Principles of the U.S. Constitution

Legislative Scorecard Based on the U.S. Constitution

The Legislative Scorecard is a nationwide educational program of The John Birch Society. Its purpose is to create an informed electorate on how state legislators are voting. The Scorecard is nonpartisan; it does not promote any candidate or political party. Bills are selected for their constitutional implications and cost to the taxpayers.

Please share this Scorecard in your district to inform people about your legislator's record on key votes.
U.S. Constitution, Amendment I --- 11 C.F.R. §114(4)(c)(4) --- 616 F.2d 45 (2d Cir. 1980)

Legislative Scorecard

Based on the U.S. Constitution

KS Scorecard 2023

The Legislative Scorecard is a nationwide educational program of The John Birch Society. Its purpose is to create an informed electorate on how state legislators are voting. The Scorecard is nonpartisan; it does not promote any candidate or political party. Bills are selected for their constitutional implications and cost to the taxpayers.

Please share this Scorecard in your district to inform people about your legislator's record on key votes.
U.S. Constitution, Amendment I --- 11 C.F.R. §114(4)(c)(4) --- 616 F.2d 45 (2d Cir. 1980)

The following scorecard lists several key votes in the Oklahoma Legislative Assembly in 2023 and ranks state representatives and senators based on their fidelity to (U.S.) constitutional and limited-government principles.

House of Representatives

1. Con-Con

Good Vote: No

HCR5008 Con-Con (Passed 74 to 48 on 3/22/2023). Applies to Congress, under the provisions of Article V of the U.S. Constitution, for a convention to propose a Balanced Budget Amendment.

2. Kansas Apprenticeship Act

Good Vote: No

HB2292 Kansas Apprenticeship Act (Passed 115 to 7 on 2/23/2023). Establishes the Kansas Apprenticeship Act.

3. Born-Alive Infants Protection Act

Good Vote: Yes

HB2313 Born-Alive Infants Protection Act (Veto Overridden 87 to 37 on 4/26/2023). Protects babies born from failed abortions and mandates that medical professionals take measures to preserve the baby's life, just as they would with any other birth.

4. ESG Ban

Good Vote: Yes

HB2100 ESG Ban (Passed 76 to 47 on 4/6/2023). Prohibits state agencies and political subdivisions from showing favoritism or bias toward companies based on environmental, social, or governance (ESG) factors when awarding contracts.

5. Minor Gender Reassignment Surgery

Good Vote: Yes
SB26 Minor Gender Reassignment Surgery (Passed 70 to 52 on 4/6/2023). Permits an individual who underwent gender reassignment procedures as a minor to initiate a civil lawsuit under the Act against the physician who conducted those procedures.

6. Education Savings Accounts

Good Vote: No

SB83 Education Savings Accounts (Passed 65 to 58 on 4/6/2023). Provides for awards or grants for qualified students and establish the Kansas Education Enrichment Program Fund and provides Education Savings Accounts to parents across the state.

Legislator Scores
[ + ] Pro-liberty Vote[ - ] Anti-liberty Vote[ . ] Did not Vote
Name Party District Score 123456
John Alcala D HD-057 33% +----+
Mike Amyx D HD-045 33% +----+
Avery Anderson R HD-072 50% --+++-
Tory Blew R HD-112 50% --+++-
Francis Awerkamp R HD-061 83% +++++-
Barbara Ballard D HD-044 33% +----+
Carrie Barth R HD-005 33% --+-+-
Brian Bergkamp R HD-093 50% --+++-
Emil Bergquist R HD-091 50% --+++-
Doug Blex R HD-012 50% --+++-
Lewis Bloom R HD-064 67% --++++
Jesse Borjon R HD-052 67% +-++-+
Brad Boyd D HD-049 33% +----+
Ron Bryce R HD-011 50% --+++-
David Buehler R HD-040 50% --+++-
Nathan Butler R HD-068 67% +-++-+
Sydney Carlin D HD-066 33% +----+
John Carmichael D HD-092 33% +----+
Will Carpenter R HD-075 50% --+++-
Blake Carpenter R HD-081 50% --+++-
Ford Carr D HD-084 33% +----+
Stephanie Clayton D HD-019 33% +----+
Bill Clifford R HD-122 67% --++++
Kenneth Collins R HD-002 67% +-+++-
Susan Concannon R HD-107 60% .-++-+
Ken Corbet R HD-054 67% +-+++-
Chris Croft R HD-008 50% --+++-
Pam Curtis D HD-032 33% +----+
Leo Delperdang R HD-094 50% --+++-
Michael Dodson R HD-067 33% --+--+
Owen Donohoe R HD-039 50% --+++-
Duane Droge R HD-013 50% --+++-
Ronald Ellis R HD-047 67% --++++
John Eplee R HD-063 50% --++-+
Robyn Essex R HD-078 50% --+++-
Susan Estes R HD-087 50% --+++-
Brett Fairchild R HD-113 67% -++++-
Linda Featherston D HD-016 33% +----+
Shannon Francis R HD-125 67% --++++
Randy Garber R HD-062 60% -.+++-
Fred Gardner R HD-009 67% +-+++-
Dan Goddard R HD-007 50% --++-+
Jason Goetz R HD-119 50% --+++-
Kirk Haskins D HD-053 33% +----+
Christina Haswood D HD-010 33% +----+
Daniel Hawkins R HD-100 50% --+++-
Henry Helgerson D HD-083 17% -----+
Dennis "Boog" Highberger D HD-046 33% +----+
Scott Hill R HD-070 50% --+++-
Kyle Hoffman R HD-116 50% --+++-
Nick Hoheisel R HD-097 50% --+++-
Allison Hougland D HD-015 33% +----+
Michael Houser R HD-001 80% ++++.-
Steven K. Howe R HD-071 50% --+++-
Leah Howell R HD-081 50% --+++-
Cyndi Howerton R HD-098 50% --+++-
Jo Ella Hoye D HD-017 33% +----+
Susan Humphries R HD-099 33% --+-+-
Trevor Jacobs R HD-004 100% ++++++
Timothy Johnson R HD-038 50% --+++-
Tom Kessler R HD-096 60% -.+++-
Brenda Landwehr R HD-105 50% --+++-
Bob Lewis R HD-123 50% --+++-
Angela Martinez D HD-103 33% +----+
Les Mason R HD-073 33% --+-+-
Carl Maughan R HD-090 67% +-+++-
Nikki McDonald D HD-049 NA ......
Kyle McNorton R HD-050 NA ......
Lynn Melton D HD-036 33% +----+
Heather Meyer D HD-029 20% .----+
Vic Miller R HD-058 17% -----+
Dennis Miller D HD-014 33% +----+
Silas Miller D HD-086 33% +----+
Jim Minnix R HD-118 50% --++-+
Lisa Moser R HD-106 67% --++++
Michael Murphy R HD-114 50% -++-+-
Lance W. Neelly R HD-042 50% --+++-
Cindy Neighbor D HD-018 33% +----+
KC Ohaebosim D HD-089 33% +----+
Melissa Oropeza D HD-037 33% +----+
Dan Osman D HD-048 33% +----+
Jarrod Ousley D HD-024 33% +----+
Stephen Owens R HD-074 50% --+++-
Fred Patton R HD-050 50% --++-+
Patrick Penn R HD-085 50% --+++-
Sandy Pickert R HD-088 33% --++--
Samantha Poetter Parshall R HD-006 NA .++...
Mari-Lynn Poskin D HD-020 33% +----+
Jason Probst D HD-102 50% +-+--+
Pat Proctor R HD-041 50% --+++-
Ken Rahjes R HD-110 67% --++++
John Resman R HD-121 50% --++-+
Bill Rhiley R HD-080 67% -++++-
Marvin Robinson D HD-035 50% --+++-
Webster Roth R HD-079 50% --+++-
Louis Ruiz D HD-031 33% +--...
Susan Ruiz D HD-023 33% +----+
Clarke Sanders R HD-069 50% --+++-
Tom Sawyer D HD-095 33% +----+
Tobias Schlingensiepen D HD-055 33% +----+
Rebecca Schmoe R HD-059 50% --+++-
Mark Schreiber R HD-060 50% +-+--+
Joe Seiwert R HD-101 33% --+-+-
Adam Smith R HD-120 33% --++--
Chuck Smith R HD-003 50% --+++-
Eric L. Smith R HD-076 50% --+++-
Jerry Stogsdill D HD-021 33% +----+
William Sutton R HD-043 33% --+-+-
Sean Tarwater R HD-027 50% --+++-
Adam Thomas R HD-026 50% --+++-
Kenny Titus R HD-051 50% --+++-
Adam Turk R HD-117 50% --+++-
Carl Turner R HD-028 50% --+++-
Jeff Underhill R HD-065 67% +-+++-
Lindsay Vaughn D HD-022 33% +----+
Paul Waggoner R HD-104 50% --+++-
Barbara Wasinger R HD-111 50% --+++-
Troy Waymaster R HD-109 50% --++-+
Virgil Weigel D HD-056 40% +.---+
Gary White R HD-115 50% --+++-
Kristey Williams R HD-077 50% --+++-
Laura Williams R HD-030 67% --++++
Valdenia Winn D HD-034 40% +-.--+
Brandon Woodard D HD-030 33% +----+
Rui Xu D HD-025 33% +----+
David Younger R HD-124 50% +-+--+

Average Constitutional Score by Party

Party Score
Democrat 33.5%
Republican 52.9%