Freedom Index

A Legislative Scorecard Based on the Principles of the U.S. Constitution

Legislative Scorecard Based on the U.S. Constitution

The Legislative Scorecard is a nationwide educational program of The John Birch Society. Its purpose is to create an informed electorate on how state legislators are voting. The Scorecard is nonpartisan; it does not promote any candidate or political party. Bills are selected for their constitutional implications and cost to the taxpayers.

Please share this Scorecard in your district to inform people about your legislator's record on key votes.
U.S. Constitution, Amendment I --- 11 C.F.R. §114(4)(c)(4) --- 616 F.2d 45 (2d Cir. 1980)

Legislative Scorecard

Based on the U.S. Constitution

ME Scorecard 2021-2022

The Legislative Scorecard is a nationwide educational program of The John Birch Society. Its purpose is to create an informed electorate on how state legislators are voting. The Scorecard is nonpartisan; it does not promote any candidate or political party. Bills are selected for their constitutional implications and cost to the taxpayers.

Please share this Scorecard in your district to inform people about your legislator's record on key votes.
U.S. Constitution, Amendment I --- 11 C.F.R. §114(4)(c)(4) --- 616 F.2d 45 (2d Cir. 1980)

The following scorecard lists several key votes in the Maine Legislature in 2021 and 2022 and ranks state representatives and senators based on their fidelity to (U.S.) constitutional and limited-government principles.

This is our first state-level Scorecard; the selected votes may not be reflective of legislators’ overall records. Their cumulative scores will change as we add more votes. Please check regularly for updates.

House of Representatives

1. State-Controlled Health Care

Good Vote: No
LD1045 State-Controlled Health Care (passed 81 to 58 on 6/15/2021). Establishes the Maine Health Care Plan, which provides universal health care coverage to all residents of the state.

2. Gender Changes on Birth Certificates

Good Vote: No

LD855 Gender Changes on Birth Certificates (passed 82 to 56 on 6/14/2021). Permits the issuance of a new certificate of birth following an application for a “gender marker” change.

3. Ranked-Choice Voting in Maine's Constitution

Good Vote: No
LD202 Ranked-Choice Voting in Maine's Constitution (failed 77 to 65 on 6/8/2021). Proposes to amend the Constitution of Maine to implement ranked-choice voting in general elections for the offices of Governor, State Senator, and State representative.

4. [Motion to Defeat] Limiting the Governor's Emergency Powers

Good Vote: No

[Motion to Defeat] LD980 Limiting the Governor's Emergency Powers (passed 78 to 62 on 6/7/2021). Would place several limitations on the powers of the Governor to issue and maintain an emergency proclamation, and specify that a violation by the Governor of the exercise of emergency powers is an impeachable offense.

5. [Motion to Defeat] Right to Self-Defense

Good Vote: No

[Motion to Defeat] LD1138 Right to Self-Defense (passed 79 to 62 on 6/3/2021). Would permit the use of deadly force to prevent death or serious bodily injury in self-defense, or in defense of a 3rd person, or to prevent a kidnapping, robbery, or gross sexual assault.

6. [Motion to Defeat] Article V Convention: Term Limits

Good Vote: Yes

[Motion to Defeat] HP348 Article V Convention: Term Limits (passed 80 to 61 on 5/19/2021). Would apply to Congress to call an “Article V constitutional convention to propose an amendment to the United States Constitution to impose congressional term limits.”  

Legislator Scores
[ + ] Pro-liberty Vote[ - ] Anti-liberty Vote[ . ] Did not Vote
Name Party District Score 123456
Robert Alley D HD-138 33% -+---+
John Andrews L HD-073 80% .++++-
Amy Arata R HD-065 75% ..+++-
Poppy Arford D HD-049 17% -----+
Susan Austin R HD-067 83% +++++-
Christopher Babbidge D HD-008 17% -----+
Kyle Bailey D HD-027 0% -----.
Arthur Bell D HD-047 17% -----+
Susan Bernard R HD-149 83% +++++-
Seth Berry D HD-055 17% -----+
Bruce Bickford R HD-063 100% +.+++.
Mark Blier R HD-022 83% +++++-
Lydia Blume D HD-003 17% -----+
James Boyle D HD-027 NA ......
Richard Bradstreet R HD-080 75% ..+++-
Michael Brennan D HD-036 17% -----+
Heidi Brooks D HD-061 17% -----+
Mark Bryant D HD-024 17% -----+
Christopher Caiazzo D HD-028 17% -----+
Barbara Cardone D HD-127 17% -----+
Nathan Carlow R HD-016 83% +++++-
Meldon Carmichael R HD-137 83% +++++-
Richard Cebra R HD-068 NA .....-
Kristen Cloutier D HD-060 20% ---.-+
Amanda Collamore R HD-106 80% ++++.-
Benjamin Collings D HD-042 17% -----+
Jonathan Connor R HD-058 83% +++++-
Lynn Copeland D HD-014 20% ---.-+
Patrick Corey R HD-025 100% ++++++
Danny Costain R HD-100 83% +++++-
Lydia Crafts D HD-090 17% -----+
Margaret Craven D HD-059 17% -----+
Edward Crockett D HD-043 0% ------
Scott Cuddy D HD-098 0% -----.
Kathleen Dillingham R HD-072 80% +.+++-
Janice Dodge D HD-097 17% -----+
Josanne Dolloff R HD-115 83% +++++-
Donna Doore D HD-085 0% -.-.-.
Victoria Doudera D HD-094 17% -----+
Kathy Downes R HD-130 100% ++++++
Gary Drinkwater R HD-121 83% +++++-
John Ducharme R HD-111 83% +++++-
Michelle Dunphy D HD-122 17% -----+
Jeffrey Evangelos I HD-091 17% -----+
Richard Evans D HD-120 17% -----+
William Faulkingham R HD-136 83% +++++-
Jessica Fay D HD-066 17% -----+
Ryan Fecteau D HD-011 17% -----+
Justin Fecteau R HD-086 67% +-+++-
Steven Foster R HD-104 83% +++++-
Lois Galgay Reckitt D HD-031 17% -----+
Valli Geiger D HD-093 20% ---.-+
Traci Gere D HD-009 17% -----+
Jeffery Gifford R HD-142 83% +++++-
Lori Gramlich D HD-013 17% -----+
Randall Greenwood R HD-082 83% +++++-
Abigail Griffin R HD-102 83% +++++-
Chad Grignon R HD-118 NA ......
Nicole Grohoski D HD-132 20% --.--+
David Haggan R HD-101 100% ++++..
Randall Hall R HD-114 83% +++++-
Jeffery Hanley R HD-087 75% ++..+-
Thomas Harnett D HD-083 17% -----+
Matthew Harrington R HD-019 83% +++++-
Tavis Hasenfus D HD-081 17% -----+
Frances Head R HD-117 83% +++++-
Allison Hepler D HD-053 20% .----+
Sherman Hutchins R HD-131 83% +++++-
Patricia Hymanson D HD-004 17% -----+
Kathy Javner R HD-141 100% ++++..
Chris Johansen R HD-145 83% +++++-
Christopher Kessler D HD-032 17% -----+
Maryanne Kinney R HD-099 80% +.+++-
Theodore Kryzak R HD-020 83% +++++-
Scott Landry D HD-113 40% ---.++
Raegan LaRochelle D HD-086 NA ......
Michael Lemelin R HD-088 80% +++.+-
Laurel Libby R HD-064 83% +++++-
Grayson Lookner D HD-037 17% -----+
Peter Lyford R HD-129 83% +++++-
Sheila Lyman R HD-074 83% +++++-
Colleen Madigan D HD-110 0% -----.
John Martin D HD-151 50% --+-++
Roland Martin D HD-150 17% -----+
Thomas Martin R HD-057 67% +-+...
Richard Mason R HD-056 83% +++++-
Kristi Mathieson D HD-001 17% -----+
Ann Matlack D HD-092 17% -----+
David McCrea D HD-148 17% -----+
Joyce McCreight D HD-051 17% -----+
Genevieve McDonald D HD-134 17% -----+
Gina Melaragno D HD-062 17% -----+
Michele Meyer D HD-002 17% -----+
Rebecca Millett D HD-030 17% -----+
Sawin Millett R HD-071 83% +++++-
Victoria Morales D HD-033 17% -----+
Stephen Moriarty D HD-045 17% -----+
Joshua Morris R HD-075 83% +++++-
Cathy Nadeau R HD-078 83% +++++-
Rena Newell HD-TRIBE NA ......
Daniel Newman R HD-076 83% +++++-
Kevin O'Connell D HD-128 17% -----+
Beth O'Connor R HD-005 83% +++++-
Margaret O'Neil D HD-015 17% -----+
Lester Ordway R HD-023 80% +.+++-
Laurie Osher D HD-123 17% -----+
Wayne Parry R HD-010 83% +++++-
Sean Paulhus D HD-052 25% --.-.+
Sarah Pebworth D HD-133 17% -----+
Michael Perkins R HD-077 83% +++++-
Joseph Perry D HD-124 0% --.--.
Anne Perry D HD-140 17% -----+
Richard Pickett R HD-116 83% +++++-
Teresa Pierce D HD-044 17% -----+
William Pluecker I HD-095 33% --+--+
Jennifer Poirier R HD-107 83% +++++-
Dwayne Prescott R HD-017 75% ..+++-
Tracy Quint R HD-144 83% +++++-
Morgan Rielly D HD-034 17% -----+
Walter Riseman I HD-069 33% ----++
Tiffany Roberts-Lovell D HD-006 17% -----+
Timothy Roche R HD-007 75% ..+++-
Amy Roeder D HD-125 17% -----+
Shelley Rudnicki R HD-108 83% +++++-
Melanie Sachs D HD-048 17% -----+
Suzanne Salisbury D HD-035 17% -----+
Heidi Sampson R HD-021 83% +++++-
Braden Sharpe D HD-046 33% .-..-+
Erin Sheehan D HD-012 17% -----+
Thomas Skolfield R HD-112 83% +++++-
Peggy Stanley R HD-143 83% +++++-
Paul Stearns R HD-119 75% ++.+.-
Joel Stetkis R HD-105 83% +++++-
Holly Stover D HD-089 17% -----+
Laura Supica D HD-126 17% -----+
Michael Sylvester D HD-039 20% .----+
Rachel Talbot Ross D HD-040 17% -----+
Denise Tepler D HD-054 17% -----+
Maureen Terry D HD-026 20% -.---+
Timothy Theriault R HD-079 75% .+++.-
James Thorne R HD-103 83% +++++-
Ralph Tucker D HD-050 17% -----+
William Tuell R HD-139 100% ++++++
John Tuttle D HD-018 20% ----.+
Joseph Underwood R HD-147 83% +++++-
Nathan Wadsworth R HD-070 83% +++++-
Sophia Warren I HD-029 0% ------
Charlotte Warren D HD-084 17% -----+
Bruce White D HD-109 20% -.---+
Dustin White R HD-146 80% .++++-
Lynne Williams D HD-135 17% -----+
Barbara Wood D HD-038 17% -----+
Samuel Zager D HD-041 17% -----+
Stanley Zeigler D HD-096 20% --.--+

Average Constitutional Score by Party

Party Score
Democrat 17.3%
Libertarian 80%
Republican 82.9%
Independent 20.8%