Freedom Index

A Legislative Scorecard Based on the Principles of the U.S. Constitution

Legislative Scorecard Based on the U.S. Constitution

The Legislative Scorecard is a nationwide educational program of The John Birch Society. Its purpose is to create an informed electorate on how state legislators are voting. The Scorecard is nonpartisan; it does not promote any candidate or political party. Bills are selected for their constitutional implications and cost to the taxpayers.

Please share this Scorecard in your district to inform people about your legislator's record on key votes.
U.S. Constitution, Amendment I --- 11 C.F.R. §114(4)(c)(4) --- 616 F.2d 45 (2d Cir. 1980)

Legislative Scorecard

Based on the U.S. Constitution

ME Scorecard 2023

The Legislative Scorecard is a nationwide educational program of The John Birch Society. Its purpose is to create an informed electorate on how state legislators are voting. The Scorecard is nonpartisan; it does not promote any candidate or political party. Bills are selected for their constitutional implications and cost to the taxpayers.

Please share this Scorecard in your district to inform people about your legislator's record on key votes.
U.S. Constitution, Amendment I --- 11 C.F.R. §114(4)(c)(4) --- 616 F.2d 45 (2d Cir. 1980)

The following scorecard lists several key votes in the Maine Legislature in 2023 and ranks state representatives and senators based on their fidelity to (U.S.) constitutional and limited-government principles.

This is our second state-level Scorecard; the selected votes may not be reflective of legislators’ overall records. Their cumulative scores will change as we add more votes. Please check regularly for updates.

House of Representatives

1. Con-Con

Good Vote: No
HP1448 Con-Con (Rejected 40 to 97 on 3/6/2024). Applies to Congress for an Article V convention to establish term limits and address campaign finance reform.

2. Abortion

Good Vote: No

LD616 Abortion (Passed 79 to 66 on 6/20/2023). Ensures that medical malpractice insurers in Maine cannot penalize healthcare professionals who offer reproductive health services solely because they face disciplinary actions in another state for providing those services.

3. Minimum Wage

Good Vote: No

LD1376 Minimum Wage (Passed 71 to 70 on 6/12/2023). Increases the state minimum wage of $15 per hour.

4. Equal Pay

Good Vote: No
LD1703 Equal Pay (Passed 112 to 20 on 6/6/2023). Amends the Maine Equal Pay Law by prohibiting pay discrimination based on race.

5. Energy Scoring System

Good Vote: No
LD1101 Energy Scoring System (Passed 70 to 67 on 6/8/2023). Creates a home energy scoring system to evaluate residential building energy efficiency, estimating energy use and costs, suggesting improvements, and aligning with the US Department of Energy's standards.

6. Hormone Therapy for Minors

Good Vote: No
LD535 Hormone Therapy for Minors (Passed 71 to 65 on 6/27/2023). Outlines the process by which minors, aged 16 and above, can provide informed consent for "gender-affirming" hormone therapy without parental or guardian consent.
Legislator Scores
[ + ] Pro-liberty Vote[ - ] Anti-liberty Vote[ . ] Did not Vote
Name Party District Score 123456
Mana Abdi D HD-095 0% ..---.
Jeffrey Adams R HD-144 75% -+..++
Roger Albert R HD-002 80% +++-.+
John Andrews L HD-073 80% -++.++
Daniel Ankeles D HD-100 17% +-----
Amy Arata R HD-065 80% .++-++
Donald Ardell R HD-006 100% ++++++
Poppy Arford D HD-049 17% +-----
Mark Babin R HD-003 83% +++-++
Barbara Bagshaw R HD-106 80% -++.++
Matthew Beck D HD-122 NA +.....
Arthur Bell D HD-047 17% +-----
Mark Blier R HD-022 83% +++-++
David Boyer R HD-087 50% --+-++
James Boyle D HD-027 NA .-...-
Richard Bradstreet R HD-080 80% .++-++
Michael Brennan D HD-036 17% +-----
William Bridgeo D HD-060 17% +-----
Richard Campbell R HD-019 83% -+++++
Nathan Carlow R HD-016 60% -.+-++
Meldon Carmichael R HD-137 60% -++-.+
Kristen Cloutier D HD-060 17% +-----
Sally Cluchey D HD-052 17% +-----
Amanda Collamore R HD-106 80% +++-+.
Clinton Collamore D HD-045 NA ......
Benjamin Collings D HD-042 20% +----.
Lynn Copeland D HD-014 17% +-----
Danny Costain R HD-100 100% +++.+.
Lydia Crafts D HD-090 20% +--.--
Margaret Craven D HD-059 17% +-----
Dean Cray R HD-069 60% -++-+.
Edward Crockett D HD-043 33% +-+---
Aaron Dana HD-TRIBE NA ......
Kenneth Davis R HD-010 67% -++-++
Deqa Dhalac D HD-120 25% +--..-
Janice Dodge D HD-097 17% +-----
Victoria Doudera D HD-094 17% +-----
Gary Drinkwater R HD-121 80% -++++.
John Ducharme R HD-111 67% -++-++
Larry Dunphy R HD-072 83% -+++++
Holly Eaton D HD-015 0% .---.-
William Faulkingham R HD-136 67% -++-++
Jessica Fay D HD-066 33% +-+---
Steven Foster R HD-104 83% -+++++
Ann Fredericks R HD-143 100% ++++++
Lois Galgay Reckitt D HD-031 0% .-----
Joseph Galletta R HD-098 100% .+..++
Andrew Gattine D HD-126 17% +-----
Valli Geiger D HD-093 17% +-----
Traci Gere D HD-009 33% +----+
Irene Gifford R HD-028 80% -++++.
Cheryl Golek D HD-099 17% +-----
Anne Graham D HD-105 17% +-----
Lori Gramlich D HD-013 0% .-----
Randall Greenwood R HD-082 67% -++-++
Abigail Griffin R HD-102 83% -+++++
Nicole Grohoski D HD-132 NA ......
Timothy Guerrette R HD-004 67% -++-++
David Haggan R HD-101 67% -++-++
Randall Hall R HD-114 83% +++-++
Matthew Harrington R HD-019 NA ......
Tavis Hasenfus D HD-081 20% +---.-
Rachel Henderson R HD-078 83% +++-++
Allison Hepler D HD-053 33% +---+-
Daniel Hobbs D HD-145 17% +-----
Benjamin Hymes R HD-038 83% +++-++
Caldwell Jackson R HD-080 80% .++-++
Rebecca Jauch D HD-051 17% +-----
Kathy Javner R HD-141 60% -.+-++
Christopher Kessler D HD-032 17% +-----
Amy Kuhn D HD-111 17% +-----
Michel Lajoie D HD-096 NA +....+
Scott Landry D HD-113 83% +++-++
Lucas Lanigan R HD-141 50% -+.-+.
Raegan LaRochelle D HD-086 17% +-----
Thomas Lavigne R HD-148 100% ++++++
Adam Lee D HD-089 17% +-----
Michael Lemelin R HD-088 67% -++-++
Laurel Libby R HD-064 100% ++++++
Grayson Lookner D HD-037 17% +-----
Peter Lyford R HD-129 NA ......
Sheila Lyman R HD-074 83% -+++++
Colleen Madigan D HD-110 17% +-----
Marc Malon D HD-133 17% +-----
Richard Mason R HD-056 83% -+++++
Anne-Marie Mastraccio D HD-142 33% +-+---
Kristi Mathieson D HD-001 25% +--..-
Ann Matlack D HD-092 17% +-----
Michele Meyer D HD-002 17% +-----
Rebecca Millett D HD-030 17% +-----
Sawin Millett R HD-071 67% -++-++
Nina Milliken D HD-016 20% +---.-
Karen Montell D HD-054 17% +-----
Matthew Moonen D HD-117 17% +-----
Stephen Moriarty D HD-045 33% +----+
Joshua Morris R HD-075 83% +++-++
Kelly Murphy D HD-125 17% +-----
Caleb Ness R HD-082 67% -++-++
Daniel Newman R HD-076 67% -++-++
Robert Nutting R HD-066 83% +++-++
Kevin O'Connell D HD-128 33% ...--+
Margaret O'Neil D HD-015 17% +-----
Laurie Osher D HD-123 17% +-----
Wayne Parry R HD-010 60% -++-+.
Reagan Paul R HD-037 100% ++++++
Sean Paulhus D HD-052 0% .-----
Chad Perkins R HD-031 80% .++-++
Joseph Perry D HD-124 20% .-+---
Anne Perry D HD-140 25% +--.-.
Teresa Pierce D HD-044 NA ......
William Pluecker I HD-095 20% +--.--
Jennifer Poirier R HD-107 67% -++-++
Edward Polewarczyk R HD-047 100% ++++++
Kimberly Pomerleau R HD-085 83% -+++++
Jane Pringle D HD-107 17% +-----
Tracy Quint R HD-144 100% ++++++
Ambureen Rana D HD-021 17% +-----
Morgan Rielly D HD-034 17% +-----
Walter Riseman I HD-069 NA .--...
Tiffany Roberts-Lovell D HD-006 17% +-----
Amy Roeder D HD-125 17% +-----
Shelley Rudnicki R HD-108 NA .++...
Walter Runte D HD-146 17% +-----
Ronald Russell D HD-017 20% +----.
Melanie Sachs D HD-048 17% +-----
Suzanne Salisbury D HD-035 17% +-----
Heidi Sampson R HD-021 83% -+++++
Holly Sargent D HD-147 17% +-----
Daniel Sayre D HD-135 17% +-----
Tammy Schmersal-Burgess R HD-077 80% -++.++
Daniel Shagoury D HD-055 17% +-----
Kathleen Shaw D HD-088 33% +---+-
Erin Sheehan D HD-012 17% +-----
Abden Simmons R HD-045 67% -+...+
David Sinclair D HD-050 NA ......
Charles Skold D HD-119 17% +-----
Katrina Smith R HD-062 83% +++-++
Michael Soboleski R HD-073 83% -+++++
Holly Stover D HD-089 17% +-----
Tiffany Strout R HD-011 83% +++-++
Laura Supica D HD-126 33% +-...-
Gregory Swallow R HD-007 100% ++++++
Rachel Talbot Ross D HD-040 17% +-----
Maureen Terry D HD-026 17% +-----
Austin Theriault R HD-001 60% -.+-++
James Thorne R HD-103 67% -++-++
Joseph Underwood R HD-147 80% -+++.+
Mark Walker R HD-084 67% -++-++
Sophia Warren I HD-029 0% ---.--
Bruce White D HD-109 60% +++--.
James White R HD-030 83% +++-++
Lynne Williams D HD-135 17% +-----
Stephen Wood R HD-092 83% +++-++
James Worth D HD-013 17% +-----
Samuel Zager D HD-041 17% +-----
Stanley Zeigler D HD-096 25% +-.--.

Average Constitutional Score by Party

Party Score
Democrat 19.8%
Republican 78.3%
Libertarian 80%
Independent 10%