Freedom Index

A Legislative Scorecard Based on the Principles of the U.S. Constitution

Legislative Scorecard Based on the U.S. Constitution

The Legislative Scorecard is a nationwide educational program of The John Birch Society. Its purpose is to create an informed electorate on how state legislators are voting. The Scorecard is nonpartisan; it does not promote any candidate or political party. Bills are selected for their constitutional implications and cost to the taxpayers.

Please share this Scorecard in your district to inform people about your legislator's record on key votes.
U.S. Constitution, Amendment I --- 11 C.F.R. §114(4)(c)(4) --- 616 F.2d 45 (2d Cir. 1980)

Legislative Scorecard

Based on the U.S. Constitution

MN Scorecard 2023

The Legislative Scorecard is a nationwide educational program of The John Birch Society. Its purpose is to create an informed electorate on how state legislators are voting. The Scorecard is nonpartisan; it does not promote any candidate or political party. Bills are selected for their constitutional implications and cost to the taxpayers.

Please share this Scorecard in your district to inform people about your legislator's record on key votes.
U.S. Constitution, Amendment I --- 11 C.F.R. §114(4)(c)(4) --- 616 F.2d 45 (2d Cir. 1980)

The following scorecard lists several key votes in the Minnesota Legislature in 2023 and ranks state representatives and senators based on their fidelity to (U.S.) constitutional and limited-government principles.

House of Representatives

1. Unemployment Expansion

Good Vote: No

SF40 Unemployment Expansion (Passed 127 to 7 on 1/23/23). Makes additional unemployment benefits available from the Minnesota unemployment insurance trust fund for miners.

2. Paid Family Leave

Good Vote: No

HF2 Paid Family Leave (Passed 68 to 62 on 5/17/23). Establishes a state-run insurance program to provide Minnesota workers with up to 12 weeks of paid family leave and up to an additional 12 weeks of paid medical leave per year.

3. Renewable Energy

Good Vote: No

HF7 Renewable Energy (Passed 70 to 60 on 1/26/23). Sets unreasonable Renewable Energy Standards (RES) modifications.

4. Homeless Prevention

Good Vote: No

HF1440 Homeless Prevention (Passed 73 to 50 on 3/16/23). Allocates $50,000,000 from the general fund to the Housing Finance Agency for the family homeless prevention and assistance program.

5. Voting Changes

Good Vote: No

HF3 Voting Changes (Passed 70 to 57 on 4/13/23). Establishes automatic voter registration and allows voters to receive ballots automatically for each election.

6. Protect Reproductive Options Act

Good Vote: No
HF1 Protect Reproductive Options Act (Passed 69 to 65 on 1/19/23). Enacts that every individual possesses a fundamental right to autonomously make decisions regarding their reproductive health, including abortion.
Legislator Scores
[ + ] Pro-liberty Vote[ - ] Anti-liberty Vote[ . ] Did not Vote
Name Party District Score 123456
Patty Acomb D HD-044B 0% ------
Esther Agbaje D HD-059B 0% ------
Pam Altendorf R HD-020A 100% ++++++
Paul H. Anderson R HD-012B 80% -.++++
Patti Anderson R HD-033A 80% -+++.+
Jeff Backer R HD-012A 75% -+.+.+
Kristin Bahner D HD-034B 0% ------
Ben Bakeberg R HD-054B 83% -+++++
Dave Baker R HD-017B 83% -+++++
Jamie Becker-finn D HD-042B 0% ------
Peggy Bennett R HD-027A 80% -++.++
Kaela Berg D HD-056B 0% ------
Robert Bierman D HD-057A 0% ------
Matt Bliss R HD-005A 83% -+++++
Jeff Brand D HD-018A 0% ------
John Burkel R HD-001A 83% -+++++
Ned Carroll D HD-042A 0% ------
Ethan Cha D HD-047B 0% ------
Mary Clardy D HD-053A 0% ------
Nathan Coulter D HD-051B 0% ------
Brion Curran D HD-036B 0% ------
Brian Daniels R HD-024B 80% -++.++
Kurt Daudt R HD-031A 80% -+++.+
Gregory Davids R HD-028B 80% -+.+++
Ben Davis R HD-006A 80% -++.++
Lisa Demuth R HD-013A 83% -+++++
Jeff Dotseth R HD-011A 67% -++-++
Heather Edelson D HD-049A 0% ------
Steve Elkins D HD-049B 0% ------
Elliott Engen R HD-036A 83% -+++++
Sandra Feist D HD-041B 0% ------
Leigh Finke D HD-066A 0% ------
Peter Fischer D HD-043A 0% ------
Marj Fogelman R HD-021B 100% ++++++
Mary Franson R HD-008B 83% -+++++
Cedrick Frazier D HD-045A 0% ------
Luke Frederick D HD-019B 0% ------
Mike Freiberg D HD-045B 0% ------
Pat Garofalo R HD-058B 83% -+++++
Dawn Gillman R HD-017A 80% -+++.+
Aisha Gomez D HD-062B 0% ------
Emma Greenman D HD-063B 0% ------
Matthew Grossell R HD-002A 83% -+++++
Rick Hansen D HD-052A 0% ------
Jessica Hanson D HD-056A 0% ------
Bobbie Harder R HD-017B 100% ++++++
Hodan Hassan D HD-062A 0% ------
Joshua Heintzeman R HD-010A 83% -+++++
Amanda Hemmingsen-Jaeger D HD-047A 0% ------
Kaohly Her D HD-064A 0% ------
Kim Hicks D HD-025A 0% ------
Josiah Hill D HD-033B 0% ------
Athena Hollins D HD-066B 0% ------
Frank Hornstein D HD-061A 0% ------
Melissa Hortman D HD-036B 0% ------
Michael Howard D HD-050A 0% ------
Shane Hudella R HD-041B 83% -+++++
Walter Hudson R HD-030A 83% -+++++
John Huot D HD-057B 0% ------
Samakab Hussein D HD-065A 0% ------
Spencer Igo R HD-005B 80% -++.++
Steven Jacob R HD-020B 83% -+++++
Brian Johnson R HD-032A 80% -+++.+
Sydney Jordan D HD-060A 0% ------
Jim Joy R HD-004B 83% -+++++
Heather Keeler D HD-004A 0% ------
Debra Kiel R HD-001B 75% -.++.+
Ginny Klevorn D HD-044A 0% ------
Krista Knudsen R HD-005A 83% -+++++
Erin Koegel D HD-037A 0% ------
Carlie Kotyza-Witthuhn D HD-048B 0% ------
Alicia Kozlowski D HD-008B 0% ------
Jon Koznick R HD-058A 100% ++++++
Larry Kraft D HD-046A 0% ------
Ron Kresha R HD-009B 80% -+.+++
Fue Lee D HD-059A 0% ------
Liz Lee D HD-067A 0% ------
Tina Liebling D HD-026A 0% ------
Leon Lillie D HD-043B 0% ------
Dave Lislegard D HD-006B 17% -+----
Jamie Long D HD-061B 0% ------
Joe McDonald R HD-029A 80% -.++++
Shane Mekeland R HD-015B 100% +++.++
Kelly Moller D HD-042A 0% ------
Patricia Mueller R HD-027B 83% -+++++
Tom Murphy R HD-009B 83% -+++++
Andrew Myers R HD-045A 80% -++.++
Danny Nadeau R HD-034A 67% -++-++
Jim Nash R HD-047A 80% -++.++
Nathan Nelson R HD-011B 83% -+++++
Mike Nelson D HD-040A 0% ------
Anne Neu Brindley R HD-032B NA ......
Harry Niska R HD-031A 83% -+++++
Mohamud Noor D HD-060B 0% ------
Matt Norris D HD-032B 0% ------
Paul Novotny R HD-030A 83% -+++++
Tim O'Driscoll R HD-013B 83% -+++++
Marion O'Neill R HD-029B 80% -++.++
Bjorn Olson R HD-023A 83% -+++++
Liz Olson D HD-007B 0% ------
Gene Pelowski D HD-028A 33% -+---+
Maria Perez-Hedges D HD-065B 0% ------
Bernie Perryman R HD-014A 83% -+++++
John Petersburg R HD-024A 83% -+++++
Brian Pfarr R HD-020A 100% ++++++
Dave Pinto D HD-064B 0% ------
Laurie Pryor D HD-048A 0% ------
Kristi Pursell D HD-058A 0% ------
Duane Quam R HD-025A 83% -+++++
Lucille Rehm D HD-048B 0% ------
Liz Reyer D HD-051B 0% ------
Ruth Richardson D HD-052B 0% ---.--
Kristin Robbins R HD-034A 83% -+++++
Joe Schomacker R HD-022A 83% -+++++
Isaac Schultz R HD-010B 83% -+++++
Peggy Scott R HD-035B 83% -+++++
Samantha Sencer-Mura D HD-063A 0% ------
Roger Skraba R HD-003A 67% -++-++
Andrew Smith D HD-025B 0% ------
Zack Stephenson D HD-036A 0% ------
Chris Swedzinski R HD-016A 80% -+++.+
Brad Tabke D HD-054A 0% ------
Paul Torkelson R HD-016B 80% -.++++
Dean Urdahl R HD-018A 80% -+.+++
Samantha Vang D HD-040B 0% ------
Bianca Virnig D HD-052B NA ......
Nolan West R HD-037B 83% -+++++
Mike Wiener R HD-005B 100% +++.++
Mark Wiens R HD-041A 83% -+++++
Jeff Witte R HD-057B 83% -+++++
Dan Wolgamott D HD-014B 0% ------
Jay Xiong D HD-067B 0% ------
Cheryl Youakim D HD-046B 0% ------
Natalie Zeleznikar R HD-003B 67% -++-++

Average Constitutional Score by Party

Party Score
Democrat 0.7%
Republican 82.8%