Freedom Index

A Legislative Scorecard Based on the Principles of the U.S. Constitution

Legislative Scorecard Based on the U.S. Constitution

The Legislative Scorecard is a nationwide educational program of The John Birch Society. Its purpose is to create an informed electorate on how state legislators are voting. The Scorecard is nonpartisan; it does not promote any candidate or political party. Bills are selected for their constitutional implications and cost to the taxpayers.

Please share this Scorecard in your district to inform people about your legislator's record on key votes.
U.S. Constitution, Amendment I --- 11 C.F.R. §114(4)(c)(4) --- 616 F.2d 45 (2d Cir. 1980)

Legislative Scorecard

Based on the U.S. Constitution

MS Scorecard 2023

The Legislative Scorecard is a nationwide educational program of The John Birch Society. Its purpose is to create an informed electorate on how state legislators are voting. The Scorecard is nonpartisan; it does not promote any candidate or political party. Bills are selected for their constitutional implications and cost to the taxpayers.

Please share this Scorecard in your district to inform people about your legislator's record on key votes.
U.S. Constitution, Amendment I --- 11 C.F.R. §114(4)(c)(4) --- 616 F.2d 45 (2d Cir. 1980)

The following scorecard lists several key votes in the Mississippi Legislature in 2023 and ranks state representatives and senators based on their fidelity to (U.S.) constitutional and limited-government principles.

This is our third state-level Scorecard; the selected votes may not be reflective of legislators’ overall records. Their cumulative scores will change as we add more votes. Please check regularly for updates.


1. Increasing Funds for Public Schools

Good Vote: No
Increasing Funds for Public Schools (passed 50 to 0 on 3/31/2023). Gives, as part of the Mississippi Department of Education appropriations bill, an additional $117 million in funding for K-12 public schools during Fiscal Year 2024.

2. Election Integrity

Good Vote: Yes
Election Integrity (passed 36 to 16 on 3/28/2023). Strengthens several provisions of state law related to election integrity, including post-election audits, U.S. citizenship voting requirements, and voter-roll maintenance.

3. Authorizing Firearm Suppressors

Good Vote: Yes
Authorizing Firearm Suppressors (passed 38 to 14 on 3/28/2023). Provides that firearms suppressors manufactured and possessed in Mississippi are not subject to federal laws and regulations governing firearm suppressors.

4. Continuing Government Health Care

Good Vote: No
Continuing Government Health Care (passed 52 to 0 on 3/9/2023). Makes an appropriation for the purpose of continuing to provide medical assistance under the Mississippi Medicaid Law.

5. Ban on Sex Mutilation Against Minors

Good Vote: Yes
Ban on Sex Mutilation Against Minors (passed 33 to 15 on 2/21/2023). Bans, through the Regulate Experimental Adolescent Procedures (REAP) Act, “gender transition" surgeries and drugs for minor children.

6. Extending Medicaid Coverage

Good Vote: No

Extending Medicaid Coverage (passed 41 to 11 on 2/7/2023). Extends postpartum coverage for Medicaid recipients from two months to 12 months.

Legislator Scores
[ + ] Pro-liberty Vote[ - ] Anti-liberty Vote[ . ] Did not Vote
Name Party District Score 123456
Juan Barnett D SD-034 20% .-+---
Jason Barrett R SD-039 50% -++-+-
Barbara Blackmon D SD-021 0% ------
Kevin Blackwell R SD-019 50% -++-+-
David Blount D SD-029 0% ------
Nicole Boyd R SD-009 50% -++-+-
Jennifer Branning R SD-018 67% -++-++
Hob Bryan D SD-007 0% ------
Angela Burks Hill R SD-040 67% -++-++
Kelvin Butler D SD-038 0% ------
Albert Butler D SD-036 0% ------
Joel Carter R SD-049 40% -++-.-
Chris Caughman R SD-035 60% -++-.+
Lydia Chassaniol R SD-014 50% -++-+-
Kathy Chism R SD-003 67% -++-++
Dennis DeBar R SD-043 50% -++-+-
Scott DeLano R SD-050 50% -++-+-
Jeremy England R SD-051 50% -++-+-
Joey Fillingane R SD-041 50% -++-+-
Hillman Frazier D SD-027 0% ------
Josh Harkins R SD-020 50% -++-+-
Rod Hickman D SD-032 0% ------
Briggs Hopson R SD-023 50% -++-+-
John Horhn D SD-026 17% --+---
Robert Jackson D SD-011 0% ------
Chris Johnson R SD-045 50% -++-+-
David Jordan D SD-024 0% ------
Dean Kirby R SD-030 50% -++-+-
Tyler McCaughn R SD-031 50% -++-+-
Chris McDaniel R SD-042 67% -++-++
Michael McLendon R SD-001 67% -++-++
Chad Mcmahan R SD-006 50% -++-+-
Walter Michel R SD-025 50% -++-+-
Philip Moran R SD-046 67% -++-++
Sollie Norwood D SD-028 0% ------
David Parker R SD-002 50% -++-+-
John Polk R SD-044 50% -++-+-
Rita Potts Parks R SD-004 60% .++-+-
Joseph Seymour R SD-047 67% -++-++
Sarita Simmons D SD-013 0% ------
Willie Simmons D SD-013 NA ......
Derrick Simmons D SD-012 0% ------
Melanie Sojourner R SD-037 67% -++-++
Daniel Sparks R SD-005 50% -++-+-
Benjamin Suber R SD-008 67% -++-++
Jeff Tate R SD-033 50% -++-+-
Joseph Thomas D SD-022 0% ------
Mike Thompson R SD-048 50% -++-+-
Angela Turner-Ford D SD-016 0% ----.-
Neil Whaley R SD-010 67% -++-++
Brice Wiggins R SD-052 50% -++-+-
Bart Williams R SD-015 40% -++-.-
Charles Younger R SD-017 50% -++-+-

Average Constitutional Score by Party

Party Score
Democrat 2.3%
Republican 54.7%