Freedom Index

A Legislative Scorecard Based on the Principles of the U.S. Constitution

Legislative Scorecard Based on the U.S. Constitution

The Legislative Scorecard is a nationwide educational program of The John Birch Society. Its purpose is to create an informed electorate on how state legislators are voting. The Scorecard is nonpartisan; it does not promote any candidate or political party. Bills are selected for their constitutional implications and cost to the taxpayers.

Please share this Scorecard in your district to inform people about your legislator's record on key votes.
U.S. Constitution, Amendment I --- 11 C.F.R. §114(4)(c)(4) --- 616 F.2d 45 (2d Cir. 1980)

Legislative Scorecard

Based on the U.S. Constitution

MS Scorecard 2023

The Legislative Scorecard is a nationwide educational program of The John Birch Society. Its purpose is to create an informed electorate on how state legislators are voting. The Scorecard is nonpartisan; it does not promote any candidate or political party. Bills are selected for their constitutional implications and cost to the taxpayers.

Please share this Scorecard in your district to inform people about your legislator's record on key votes.
U.S. Constitution, Amendment I --- 11 C.F.R. §114(4)(c)(4) --- 616 F.2d 45 (2d Cir. 1980)

The following scorecard lists several key votes in the Mississippi Legislature in 2023 and ranks state representatives and senators based on their fidelity to (U.S.) constitutional and limited-government principles.

This is our third state-level Scorecard; the selected votes may not be reflective of legislators’ overall records. Their cumulative scores will change as we add more votes. Please check regularly for updates.

House of Representatives

1. Increasing Funds for Public Schools

Good Vote: No

Increasing Funds for Public Schools (passed 115 to 2 on 3/31/2023). Gives, as part of the Mississippi Department of Education appropriations bill, an additional $117 million in funding for K-12 public schools during Fiscal Year 2024.

2. Authorizing Firearm Suppressors

Good Vote: Yes
Authorizing Firearm Suppressors (passed 87 to 26 on 3/28/2023). Provides that firearms suppressors manufactured and possessed in Mississippi are not subject to federal laws and regulations governing firearm suppressors.

3. Restoring Sound Money

Good Vote: Yes
Restoring Sound Money (passed 115 to 0 on 3/27/2023) Exempts sales of coins, currency, and bullion from sales taxes.  

4. Continuing Government Health Care

Good Vote: No

Continuing Government Health Care (passed 106 to 5 on 3/27/2023). Makes an appropriation for the purpose of continuing to provide medical assistance under the Mississippi Medicaid Law.

5. Prohibiting Ballot Harvesting

Good Vote: Yes
Prohibiting Ballot Harvesting (passed 73 to 44 on 3/7/2023). Prohibits a person from knowingly collecting and transmitting a ballot that was mailed to another person, with certain exceptions.

6. Ban on Sex Mutilation Against Minors

Good Vote: Yes
Ban on Sex Mutilation Against Minors (passed 78 to 29 on 1/19/2023). Bans, through the Regulate Experimental Adolescent Procedures (REAP) Act, “gender transition" surgeries and drugs for minor children.
Legislator Scores
[ + ] Pro-liberty Vote[ - ] Anti-liberty Vote[ . ] Did not Vote
Name Party District Score 123456
Shane Aguirre R HD-017 67% -++-++
Jeramey Anderson D HD-110 20% --+--.
Brent Anderson R HD-122 67% -++-++
Otis Anthony D HD-031 40% -++--.
William Arnold R HD-003 67% -++-++
Willie Bailey D HD-049 17% --+---
Perry Bailey R HD-023 60% -++-+.
Nick Bain R HD-002 67% -++-++
Earle Banks D HD-067 17% --+---
Shane Barnett R HD-086 67% -++-++
Manly Barton R HD-109 67% -++-++
Christopher Bell D HD-065 17% --+---
Donnie Bell R HD-021 67% -++-++
Richard Bennett R HD-120 67% -++-++
Edward Blackmon D HD-057 17% --+---
Joel Bomgar R HD-058 100% ++++++
Scott Bounds R HD-044 67% -++-++
Randy Boyd R HD-019 67% -++-++
Andy Boyd R HD-037 67% -++-++
Chris Brown R HD-020 100% ..+.++
William Brown D HD-070 17% --+---
Cedric Burnett D HD-009 40% -++--.
Charles Busby R HD-111 67% -++-++
Larry Byrd R HD-104 67% -++-++
Billy Calvert R HD-083 67% -++-++
Lester Carpenter R HD-001 67% -++-++
Bryant Clark D HD-047 17% --+---
Alyce Clarke D HD-069 17% --+---
Angela Cockerham D HD-096 40% -++--.
Carolyn Crawford R HD-121 67% -++-++
Sam Creekmore R HD-014 67% -++-++
Dana Criswell R HD-006 100% ++++++
Ronnie Crudup D HD-071 20% --+--.
Becky Currie R HD-092 67% -++-++
Jerry Darnell R HD-028 67% -++-++
Oscar Denton D HD-055 20% --+--.
Clay Deweese R HD-012 67% -++-++
Dan Eubanks R HD-025 67% -++-++
Casey Eure R HD-116 67% -++-++
Bob Evans D HD-091 0% --.--.
Michael Evans D HD-045 60% -++-.+
John Faulkner D HD-005 17% --+---
Kevin Felsher R HD-117 67% -++-++
Kevin Ford R HD-054 67% -++-++
Jill Ford R HD-073 67% -++-++
Stephanie Foster D HD-063 33% -++---
Karl Gibbs D HD-036 40% -++--.
Dale Goodin R HD-105 67% -++-++
Jeffrey Guice R HD-114 67% -++-++
Philip Gunn R HD-056 67% -++-++
Jeff Hale R HD-024 67% -++-++
Greg Haney R HD-118 67% -++-++
Jeffery Harness D HD-085 17% --+---
John Hines D HD-050 20% -.+---
Stacey Hobgood-Wilkes R HD-108 83% -+++++
Gregory Holloway D HD-076 33% -++---
Joey Hood R HD-035 67% -++-++
Steve Hopkins R HD-007 100% .+++++
Kevin Horan R HD-034 67% -++-++
Stephen Horne R HD-081 80% -++.++
Mac Huddleston R HD-015 NA ......
Jeffrey Hulum D HD-119 40% -++--.
Lataisha Jackson D HD-011 17% --+---
Hester Jackson-McCray D HD-040 40% -++--.
Robert Johnson D HD-094 20% -.+---
Kabir Karriem D HD-041 17% --+---
Bill Kinkade R HD-052 67% -++-++
Timmy Ladner R HD-093 67% -++-++
John Lamar R HD-008 67% -++-++
Jon Lancaster D HD-022 67% -++-++
Vince Mangold R HD-053 67% -++-++
Steve Massengill R HD-013 67% -++-++
Kent McCarty R HD-101 60% -++.-+
Jay McKnight R HD-095 67% -++-++
Doug McLeod R HD-107 67% -++-++
Carl Mickens D HD-042 33% -++---
Tom Miles D HD-075 50% -++--+
Sam Mims R HD-097 80% -++.++
Ken Morgan R HD-100 67% -++-++
Gene Newman R HD-061 67% -++-++
Karl Oliver R HD-046 67% -++-++
Solomon Osborne D HD-032 17% --+---
Jansen Owen R HD-106 60% -++.-+
Orlando Paden D HD-026 17% --+---
Randall Patterson R HD-115 67% -++-++
Bill Pigott R HD-099 80% -++.++
Daryl Porter D HD-098 17% --+---
Brent Powell R HD-059 67% -++-++
John Read R HD-112 67% -++-++
Thomas Reynolds D HD-033 25% -+.--.
Rob Roberson R HD-043 67% -++-++
Robin Robinson R HD-088 67% -...++
Tracey Rosebud D HD-030 17% --+---
Randal Rushing R HD-078 67% -++-++
Robert Sanders D HD-029 17% --+---
Noah Sanford R HD-090 67% -++-++
Donnie Scoggin R HD-089 67% -++-++
Omeria Scott D HD-080 17% --+---
Fred Shanks R HD-060 67% -++-++
Troy Smith R HD-084 67% -++-++
De Stamps D HD-066 50% -++-..
Jody Steverson R HD-004 67% -++-++
Rufus Straughter D HD-051 17% --+---
Zakiya Summers D HD-068 0% --.---
Cheikh Taylor D HD-038 33% -++---
Rickey Thompson D HD-016 17% --+---
Joseph Tubb R HD-087 67% -++-++
Mark Tullos R HD-079 67% -++-++
Jerry Turner R HD-018 67% -++-++
Dana Underwood McLean R HD-039 60% -++-.+
Kenneth Walker D HD-027 NA ....--
Price Wallace R HD-077 60% -.+-++
Missy Warren McGee R HD-102 67% -++-++
Percy Watson D HD-103 17% --+---
Tom Weathersby R HD-062 67% -++-++
Jason White R HD-048 67% -++-++
Brady Williamson R HD-010 83% -+++++
Lee Yancey R HD-074 67% -++-++
Shanda Yates I HD-064 40% -.+--+
Charles Young D HD-082 20% --+.--
Henry Zuber R HD-113 67% -++-++

Average Constitutional Score by Party

Party Score
Republican 69.2%
Democrat 25.2%
Independent 40%