Freedom Index

A Legislative Scorecard Based on the Principles of the U.S. Constitution

Legislative Scorecard Based on the U.S. Constitution

The Legislative Scorecard is a nationwide educational program of The John Birch Society. Its purpose is to create an informed electorate on how state legislators are voting. The Scorecard is nonpartisan; it does not promote any candidate or political party. Bills are selected for their constitutional implications and cost to the taxpayers.

Please share this Scorecard in your district to inform people about your legislator's record on key votes.
U.S. Constitution, Amendment I --- 11 C.F.R. §114(4)(c)(4) --- 616 F.2d 45 (2d Cir. 1980)

Legislative Scorecard

Based on the U.S. Constitution

ND Scorecard 2021-2022

The Legislative Scorecard is a nationwide educational program of The John Birch Society. Its purpose is to create an informed electorate on how state legislators are voting. The Scorecard is nonpartisan; it does not promote any candidate or political party. Bills are selected for their constitutional implications and cost to the taxpayers.

Please share this Scorecard in your district to inform people about your legislator's record on key votes.
U.S. Constitution, Amendment I --- 11 C.F.R. §114(4)(c)(4) --- 616 F.2d 45 (2d Cir. 1980)

The following scorecard lists several key votes in the North Dakota Legislature in 2021 and 2022 and ranks state representatives and senators based on their fidelity to (U.S.) constitutional and limited-government principles.

This is our first state-level Scorecard; the selected votes may not be reflective of legislators’ overall records. Their cumulative scores will change as we add more votes. Please check regularly for updates.

House of Representatives

1. Mask Mandates

Good Vote: Yes

HB1323 Mask Mandates (Passed 66 to 27 on 4/22/2021). Prevents any government within the state, including schools, from being able to mandate the wearing of masks.

2. Gun Rights-Enforcement

Good Vote: Yes

HB1383 Gun Rights-Enforcement (Passed 80 to 12 on 4/19/2021). Prohibits a law enforcement officer or individual employed by the government within the state to provide assistance with an investigation, prosecution, or enforcement of an unconstitutional federal law.

3. Nullification

Good Vote: Yes

HB1282 Nullification (Rejected 38 to 55 on 4/19/2021). Creates a committee with the purpose of acting on federal nullification of any unconstitutional law.

4. Article V Con-Con

Good Vote: No

HCR3033 Article V Con-Con (Rejected 26 to 65 on 3/3/2021).  Would have applied to Congress for a Convention of States to propose a congressional term limits amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

5. Compact for Balanced Budget

Good Vote: No

HB1429 Compact for Balanced Budget (Passed 75 to 19 on 2/18/2021). Extends North Dakota's current membership in the Compact for a Balanced Budget through 2031.

6. Gun Rights - Nullification

Good Vote: Yes

HB1272 Gun Rights - Nullification (Passed 69 to 23 on 2/17/2021). Ensures that personal firearms, firearm accessories, or ammunition manufactured commercially or privately are not subject to unconstitutional federal law.

Legislator Scores
[ + ] Pro-liberty Vote[ - ] Anti-liberty Vote[ . ] Did not Vote
Name Party District Score 123456
Mary Adams D HD-043 17% ---+--
Pamela Anderson D HD-041 0% ---.--
Bert Anderson R HD-002 67% ++-+-+
Dick Anderson R HD-006 40% +.-+--
Rick Becker R HD-007 83% ++++-+
Larry Bellew R HD-038 67% +++--+
Mike Beltz R HD-020 50% -+-+-+
Tracy Boe D HD-009 50% -+-+-+
Glenn Bosch R HD-030 67% ++-+-+
Joshua Boschee D HD-044 0% ------
Michael Brandenburg R HD-028 60% +.-+-+
Ruth Buffalo D HD-027 0% ------
Cole Christensen R HD-024 83% ++++-+
Claire Cory R HD-042 83% ++++-+
Charles Damschen R HD-010 67% ++-+-+
Jeff Delzer R HD-008 100% ++++++
William Devlin R HD-023 83% ++-+++
Gretchen Dobervich D HD-011 40% ---++.
Jason Dockter R HD-007 67% ++-+-+
Sebastian Ertelt R HD-026 100% ++++++
Clayton Fegley R HD-004 83% ++++-+
Jay Fisher R HD-005 67% +++--+
Ron Guggisberg D HD-011 33% ---++-
Lauriebeth Hager D HD-021 33% ---++-
Jared Hagert R HD-020 50% -+-+-+
Karla Hanson D HD-044 0% ------
Patrick Hatlestad R HD-001 50% ++-+--
Dori Hauck R HD-036 100% +++...
Craig Headland R HD-029 83% ++++-+
Patrick Heinert R HD-032 50% ++-+--
Jeff Hoverson R HD-003 83% +++-++
Michael Howe R HD-022 83% ++++-+
Zachary Ista D HD-043 33% ---++-
Dennis Johnson R HD-015 67% ++-+-+
Mary Johnson R HD-045 50% -++--+
Terry Jones R HD-004 67% +++--+
Tom Kading R HD-045 83% +++-++
Karen Karls R HD-035 50% -+-+-+
James Kasper R HD-046 100% +++.++
George Keiser R HD-047 50% -+-++-
Keith Kempenich R HD-039 83% ++++-+
Dwight Kiefert R HD-024 100% ++++++
Lawrence Klemin R HD-047 50% -+-+-+
Kim Koppelman R HD-013 67% +++--+
Ben Koppelman R HD-016 67% +++--+
Gary Kreidt R HD-033 60% ++-+-.
Mike Lefor R HD-037 83% ++++-+
Donald Longmuir R HD-002 67% ++-+-+
Scott Louser R HD-005 67% +++--+
Andrew Marschall R HD-016 67% +++--+
Bob Martinson R HD-035 50% -+-+-+
Lisa Meier R HD-032 67% ++-+-+
Alisa Mitskog D HD-025 17% ---+--
Corey Mock D HD-018 33% -+-+--
David Monson R HD-010 67% ++-+-+
Mike Nathe R HD-030 50% ++-+--
Dave Nehring R HD-008 67% ++-+-+
Marvin Nelson D HD-009 33% ---++-
Jon Nelson R HD-014 33% -+-+--
Emily O'Brien R HD-042 33% -+-+--
Mitch Ostlie R HD-012 25% .+.---
Mark Owens R HD-017 67% +++--+
Gary Paur R HD-019 50% ++---+
Chet Pollert R HD-029 67% ++-+-+
Todd Porter R HD-034 50% ++-+--
Brandy Pyle R HD-022 67% ++-+-+
David Richter R HD-001 67% ++-+-+
Shannon Roers Jones R HD-046 33% -+-+--
Karen Rohr R HD-031 83% +++-++
Matthew Ruby R HD-040 67% +++--+
Dan Ruby R HD-038 50% ++---+
Mark Sanford R HD-017 50% -+-+-+
Bernie Satrom R HD-012 67% +++--+
Mike Schatz R HD-036 83% ++++-+
Austen Schauer R HD-013 83% ++++-+
James Schmidt R HD-031 83% ++-+++
Mary Schneider D HD-021 33% ---++-
Randy Schobinger R HD-040 67% +++--+
Cynthia Beck R HD-025 50% -+-+-+
Luke Simons R HD-036 67% ...+-+
Kathy Skroch R HD-026 83% +++-++
Vicky Steiner R HD-037 83% +++-++
Greg Stemen R HD-027 50% ++---+
Michelle Strinden R HD-041 67% ++-+-+
Paul Thomas R HD-006 67% ++-+-+
Nathan Toman R HD-034 83% ++++-+
Wayne Trottier R HD-019 50% -++--+
Bill Tveit R HD-033 83% ++++-+
Steve Vetter R HD-018 83% ++++-+
Donald Vigesaa R HD-023 60% ++-.-+
Robin Weisz R HD-014 67% ++-+-+
Greg Westlind R HD-015 67% ++-+-+
Denton Zubke R HD-039 50% ++-+--

Average Constitutional Score by Party

Party Score
Democrat 23%
Republican 66.8%