Freedom Index

A Legislative Scorecard Based on the Principles of the U.S. Constitution

Legislative Scorecard Based on the U.S. Constitution

The Legislative Scorecard is a nationwide educational program of The John Birch Society. Its purpose is to create an informed electorate on how state legislators are voting. The Scorecard is nonpartisan; it does not promote any candidate or political party. Bills are selected for their constitutional implications and cost to the taxpayers.

Please share this Scorecard in your district to inform people about your legislator's record on key votes.
U.S. Constitution, Amendment I --- 11 C.F.R. §114(4)(c)(4) --- 616 F.2d 45 (2d Cir. 1980)

Legislative Scorecard

Based on the U.S. Constitution

ND Scorecard 2023

The Legislative Scorecard is a nationwide educational program of The John Birch Society. Its purpose is to create an informed electorate on how state legislators are voting. The Scorecard is nonpartisan; it does not promote any candidate or political party. Bills are selected for their constitutional implications and cost to the taxpayers.

Please share this Scorecard in your district to inform people about your legislator's record on key votes.
U.S. Constitution, Amendment I --- 11 C.F.R. §114(4)(c)(4) --- 616 F.2d 45 (2d Cir. 1980)

The following scorecard lists several key votes in the North Dakota Legislative Assembly in 2023 and ranks state representatives and senators based on their fidelity to (U.S.) constitutional and limited-government principles.

House of Representatives

1. Red-Flag Law Prevention

Good Vote: Yes
HB1401 Red-Flag Law Prevention (Rejected 33 to 60 on 2/20/2023). Would have prevented state or local agencies from implementing or enforcing “red flag” gun-control laws, and it would have prevented them from accepting federal money to enforce those laws.

2. Firearm Merchant Codes

Good Vote: Yes

HB1487 Firearm Merchant Codes (Passed 81 to 10 on 4/24/2023). Prohibits financial entities' use of merchant codes to track firearm and ammunition-related purchases.

3. Sound Money

Good Vote: No

HB1082 Sound Money (Passed  84 to 9 on 2/15/2023). Changes North Dakota’s definition of money to ban free-market-based cryptocurrencies and pave the way for a government-issued Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).

4. Ranked Choice Voting Ban

Good Vote: Yes
HB1273 Ranked Choice Voting Ban (Passed 71 to 17 on 4/10/2023). Prohibits ranked choice voting in North Dakota.

5. Drones & Autonomous Vehicle Grants

Good Vote: No
HB1519 Drones & Autonomous Vehicle Grants (Passed 82 to 10 on 4/26/2023). Provides appropriations to the department of career and technical education and agriculture commissioner for uncrewed aircraft system, autonomous vehicle, or other autonomous technology (drone) grants.

6. Mandatory Dyslexia Screening

Good Vote: No

HB1231 Mandatory Dyslexia Screening (Passed 85 to 5 on 4/25/2023). Creates a dyslexia and literacy task force, reading instruction competency for teacher licensure, and the dyslexia screening and intervention program.

Legislator Scores
[ + ] Pro-liberty Vote[ - ] Anti-liberty Vote[ . ] Did not Vote
Name Party District Score 123456
Bert Anderson R HD-002 20% -.-+--
Dick Anderson R HD-006 33% -+-+--
Karen Anderson R HD-019 50% ++-+--
Landon Bahl R HD-017 33% -+-+--
Larry Bellew R HD-038 80% .++++-
Mike Beltz R HD-020 33% -+-+--
Glenn Bosch R HD-030 33% -+-+--
Joshua Boschee D HD-044 0% ------
Michael Brandenburg R HD-028 33% -+-+--
Cole Christensen R HD-024 100% ++++++
Josh Christy R HD-027 NA -.-...
Liz Conmy D HD-011 0% ---.--
Claire Cory R HD-042 33% -+-+--
Hamida Dakane D HD-010 0% ------
Jayme Davis D HD-009 0% ------
Gretchen Dobervich D HD-011 0% ------
Jason Dockter R HD-007 33% -+-+--
Scott Dyk R HD-023 83% +++++-
Clayton Fegley R HD-004 33% -+-+--
Lisa Finley-Deville D HD-004 0% ------
Jay Fisher R HD-005 33% -+-+--
Kathy Frelich R HD-015 50% ++-+--
Jim Grueneich R HD-028 33% -+-+--
Lauriebeth Hager D HD-021 0% ------
Jared Hagert R HD-020 33% -+-+--
Karla Hanson D HD-044 0% ------
Patrick Hatlestad R HD-001 33% -+-+--
Dori Hauck R HD-036 83% ++++-+
Craig Headland R HD-029 17% ---+--
Matthew Heilman R HD-007 100% ++++++
Patrick Heinert R HD-032 33% -+-+--
Donna Henderson R HD-009 80% +++.+-
Dawson Holle R HD-031 50% ++-+--
Jeff Hoverson R HD-003 100% ++++++
Zachary Ista D HD-043 17% -+----
Dennis Johnson R HD-015 33% -+-+--
Jorin Johnson R HD-041 50% ++-+--
Jim Jonas R HD-013 17% -+----
Karen Karls R HD-035 33% -+-+--
James Kasper R HD-046 50% ++-+--
Keith Kempenich R HD-039 50% ++-+--
Dwight Kiefert R HD-024 50% ++-+--
Lawrence Klemin R HD-047 33% -+-+--
Ben Koppelman R HD-016 50% ++-+--
Gary Kreidt R HD-033 33% -+-+--
Mike Lefor R HD-037 33% -+-+--
Donald Longmuir R HD-002 33% -+-+--
Scott Louser R HD-005 50% ++-+--
Andrew Marschall R HD-016 50% ++-+--
Bob Martinson R HD-035 33% -+-+--
Carrie McLeod R HD-045 50% ++-+--
Lisa Meier R HD-032 33% -+-+--
Alisa Mitskog D HD-025 17% -+----
Corey Mock D HD-018 17% -+----
David Monson R HD-010 33% -+-+--
Michael Motschenbacher R HD-047 50% ++-+--
Eric Murphy R HD-043 33% -+-+--
Mike Nathe R HD-030 33% -+-+--
Jon Nelson R HD-014 17% -+----
Anna Novak R HD-033 50% ++-+--
Emily O'Brien R HD-042 17% -+----
Jeremy Olson R HD-026 33% -+-+--
SuAnn Olson R HD-008 50% ++-+--
Mitch Ostlie R HD-012 33% -+-+--
Todd Porter R HD-034 20% -.-+--
Brandon Prichard R HD-008 83% ++-+++
Brandy Pyle R HD-022 33% -+-+--
David Richter R HD-001 33% -+-+--
Nico Rios R HD-023 50% ++-+--
Shannon Roers Jones R HD-046 20% -+--.-
Karen Rohr R HD-031 50% ++-+--
Matthew Ruby R HD-040 40% ++-.--
Dan Ruby R HD-038 50% ++-+--
Mark Sanford R HD-017 33% -+-+--
Bernie Satrom R HD-012 33% -+-+--
Mike Schatz R HD-036 67% ++-++-
Austen Schauer R HD-013 33% -+-+--
Mary Schneider D HD-021 0% ------
Randy Schobinger R HD-040 40% ++-.--
Cynthia Beck R HD-025 17% -+----
Vicky Steiner R HD-037 50% ++-+--
Greg Stemen R HD-027 33% -+-+--
Michelle Strinden R HD-041 33% -+-+--
Steve Swiontek R HD-010 17% -+----
Paul Thomas R HD-006 33% -+-+--
Kelby Timmons R HD-026 83% +++++-
Nathan Toman R HD-034 50% ++-+--
Bill Tveit R HD-033 50% ++-+--
Lori VanWinkle R HD-003 83% +++++-
Steve Vetter R HD-018 50% ++-+--
Donald Vigesaa R HD-023 33% -+-+--
Scott Wagner R HD-045 25% -+..--
Jonathan Warrey R HD-022 33% -+-+--
Robin Weisz R HD-014 33% -+-+--

Average Constitutional Score by Party

Party Score
Republican 43%
Democrat 4.3%