AM1940 would amend LB514, which specifies voter identification requirements, to implement additional measures verifying U.S. citizenship and allow fewer exceptions regarding mail-in ballots and early voting.

The Senate failed to pass AM1940 on May 22, 2023, by a vote of 5 to 26. We have assigned pluses to the ayes because this amendment would have averted the Legislature’s failure to uphold the Nebraska Constitution’s explicit requirement that “Before casting a ballot in any election, a qualified voter shall present valid photographic identification,” as set forth in Article I-22, Section 2. Instead of forcing a deeply flawed and compromised version of ‘Voter ID,’ which contains significant loopholes and risks disenfranchising the American people, who alone retain the “right of Representation in the Legislature,” lawmakers in Nebraska should have performed their duty and exercised the full extent of their authority under Article I, Section 4, of the U.S. Constitution, as well as the 14th and 26th Amendments, to implement free, fair, and secure elections, thereby ensuring equal protection of “the right of citizens of the United States to vote.” 

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