Freedom Index

A Legislative Scorecard Based on the Principles of the U.S. Constitution

Legislative Scorecard Based on the U.S. Constitution

The Legislative Scorecard is a nationwide educational program of The John Birch Society. Its purpose is to create an informed electorate on how state legislators are voting. The Scorecard is nonpartisan; it does not promote any candidate or political party. Bills are selected for their constitutional implications and cost to the taxpayers.

Please share this Scorecard in your district to inform people about your legislator's record on key votes.
U.S. Constitution, Amendment I --- 11 C.F.R. §114(4)(c)(4) --- 616 F.2d 45 (2d Cir. 1980)

Legislative Scorecard

Based on the U.S. Constitution

NH Scorecard 2023

The Legislative Scorecard is a nationwide educational program of The John Birch Society. Its purpose is to create an informed electorate on how state legislators are voting. The Scorecard is nonpartisan; it does not promote any candidate or political party. Bills are selected for their constitutional implications and cost to the taxpayers.

Please share this Scorecard in your district to inform people about your legislator's record on key votes.
U.S. Constitution, Amendment I --- 11 C.F.R. §114(4)(c)(4) --- 616 F.2d 45 (2d Cir. 1980)

The following scorecard lists several key votes in the New Hampshire Legislature in 2023 and ranks their State Senators and House Representatives based on their fidelity to (U.S.) constitutional and limited-government principles.

House of Representatives

1. School Choice Eligibility

Good Vote: No

HB367 Choice School Eligibility (Passed 187 to 184 on 3/9/2023). Increases school choice eligibility from an annual household income equal to or less than 350 percent of the federal poverty guidelines at the time of application, which is up from 300 percent.

2. Governor's Powers

Good Vote: Yes

HB127 Governor's Powers (Passed 193 to 185 on 3/22/2023). Reduces the governor's and courts' state of emergency declaration powers and length.

3. Defend the Guard

Good Vote: Yes

HB229 Defend the Guard (Passed 187 to 182 on 1/4/2024). Requires an official declaration of war for the activation of the New Hampshire national guard.

4. Abortion Penalties

Good Vote: No

HB224 Abortion Penalties (Passed 205 to 178 on 3/23/2023). Repeals the criminal and civil penalties from the fetal life protection act.

5. Workforce Training Programs

Good Vote: No
SB152 Workforce Training Programs (Passed 250 to 123 on 5/4/2023). Establishes a marine trades pathway at a regional career technology center based on workforce needs.

6. Weapon Ban Repeal

Good Vote: Yes
HB31 Weapon Ban Repeal (Passed 196 to 176 on 3/9/2023). Repeals the prohibition, penalty, and exceptions relating to the carrying and possessing with intent to sell a black jack, slung shot, or metallic knuckles.
Legislator Scores
[ + ] Pro-liberty Vote[ - ] Anti-liberty Vote[ . ] Did not Vote
Name Party District Score 123456
Kimberly Abare R HD-01-HIL 83% -+++++
Michael Abbott D HD-01-CHE 17% +-----
Joshua Adjutant D HD-17-GRA 25% +-.-.-
Joe Alexander R HD-06-HIL 67% -+++-+
Mark Alliegro R HD-07-GRA NA ......
Susan Almy D HD-13-GRA 17% +-----
Richard Ames D HD-09-CHE 17% +-----
Keith Ammon R HD-40-HIL 67% -+++-+
Louise Andrus R HD-01-MER 83% -+++++
Aidan Ankarberg R HD-10-STR 75% +.+.-+
Judy Aron R HD-07-SUL 83% -+++++
Cyril Aures R HD-13-MER 83% -+++++
Lino Avellani R HD-05-CAR 83% -+++++
Deborah Aylward R HD-05-MER 67% -+++-+
Glenn Bailey R HD-01-STR 83% -+++++
Peggy Balboni D HD-38-ROC 17% +-----
Heather Baldwin D HD-04-GRA 17% +-----
Lorie Ball R HD-25-ROC 67% -+++-+
Benjamin Baroody D HD-43-HIL 25% +.-.--
Ben Bartlett R HD-01-ROC NA ......
Luz Bay D HD-21-STR 25% +-.-.-
Harry Bean R HD-02-BEL 83% -+++++
Richard Beaudoin R HD-06-BEL 83% -+++++
Jane Beaulieu D HD-45-HIL 17% +-----
Mike Belcher R HD-04-CAR 83% -+++++
Lex Berezhny R HD-09-GRA 67% -++-++
JD Bernardy R HD-16-ROC 67% -+++-+
Ross Berry R HD-44-HIL 83% -+++++
David Bickford R HD-03-STR 50% -++--+
Peter Bixby D HD-17-STR 33% +-+---
Melissa Blasek R HD-21-HIL NA ......
Ralph Boehm R HD-27-HIL 67% -+++-+
Steven Bogert R HD-05-BEL 67% -+++-+
Bill Bolton D HD-08-GRA 17% +-----
Efstathia Booras D HD-33-HIL 25% +-.-.-
Mike Bordes R HD-03-BEL 60% .++--+
Donald Bouchard D HD-11-HIL 17% +-----
Amanda Bouldin D HD-12-HIL 20% +.----
Stephen Boyd R HD-24-MER 83% -+++++
Bill Boyd R HD-21-HIL 67% -+++-+
Amy Bradley D HD-43-HIL 17% +-----
Angela Brennan D HD-09-MER 17% +-----
Jacob Brouillard R HD-01-ROC 83% -+++++
Carroll Brown R HD-10-GRA 50% -+--++
Richard Brown R HD-03-CAR 67% -+++-+
Thomas Buco D HD-02-CAR 0% .-.--.
Claudine Burnham R HD-02-STR 83% -+++++
Anita Burroughs D HD-01-CAR 33% ++----
Michael Cahill D HD-17-ROC 17% +-----
Tim Cahill R HD-04-ROC 50% -+-+-+
Karen Calabro D HD-45-HIL 17% +-----
Jose Cambrils R HD-09-MER 83% -+++++
Gerri Cannon D HD-18-STR 17% +-----
Tony Caplan D HD-06-MER 40% +-+.--
Lorrie Carey D HD-01-MER 17% +-----
Corinne Cascadden D HD-05-COO 17% +-----
Jacqueline Chretien D HD-42-HIL 33% +-+---
John Cloutier D HD-10-SUL 17% +-----
Matthew Coker D HD-02-BEL 17% +-----
Riche Colcombe R HD-30-HIL 83% -+++++
Brian Cole R HD-26-HIL 67% -+++-+
Barbara Comtois R HD-07-BEL 83% -+++++
Bill Conlin D HD-15-STR 17% +-----
James Connor R HD-19-STR 83% -+++++
Travis Corcoran R HD-44-HIL 83% -+++++
Glenn Cordelli R HD-04-CAR 60% -+-+.+
Thomas Cormen D HD-15-GRA 17% +-----
Patricia Cornell D HD-18-HIL 17% +-----
Michael Costable R HD-08-CAR 83% -+++++
David Cote D HD-31-HIL NA ......
Matthew Coulon R HD-05-GRA 83% -+++++
Karel Crawford R HD-04-CAR 20% +.----
Jim Creighton R HD-38-HIL 50% -+-+-+
Leah Cushman R HD-02-HIL 83% -+++++
Hope Damon D HD-08-SUL 17% +-----
William Darby D HD-11-HIL 17% +-----
Arnold Davis R HD-02-COO 100% .++++.
Fred Davis D HD-03-HIL 17% +-----
Debra DeSimone R HD-14-ROC 67% -+++-+
Shelley Devine D HD-05-HIL 0% .----.
Charlotte DiLorenzo D HD-17-ROC 20% +---.-
Linda DiSilvestro D HD-09-HIL 17% +-----
Tom Dolan R HD-05-ROC 83% -+++++
William Dolan D HD-09-HIL NA ..-.-.
Tanya Donnelly R HD-25-ROC 50% -++--+
Fred Doucette R HD-08-ROC 83% -+++++
Mike Drago R HD-04-ROC 83% -+++++
Margaret Drye R HD-07-SUL 67% -+++-+
Russell Dumais R HD-06-BEL 67% -+++-+
Ron Dunn R HD-16-ROC 83% -+++++
Sherry Dutzy D HD-30-HIL 33% ++----
Daniel Eaton D HD-03-CHE 17% +-----
Karen Ebel D HD-05-MER 17% +-----
Michael Edgar D HD-21-ROC 17% +-----
Jess Edwards R HD-11-HIL 67% -+++-+
Susan Elberger D HD-05-HIL 33% ++----
Arthur Ellison D HD-27-MER 20% +-.---
Tracy Emerick R HD-21-ROC 67% -+++-+
Keith Erf R HD-02-HIL 83% -+++++
Barry Faulkner D HD-12-CHE 17% +-----
Jim Fedolfi R HD-01-HIL 50% -+-+-+
Sallie Fellows D HD-08-GRA 17% +-----
Shaun Filiault D HD-07-CHE 20% +-.---
Daniel Fitzpatrick D HD-19-STR 17% +-----
Charles Foote R HD-13-ROC 60% -.++-+
Oliver Ford R HD-04-ROC 50% -++--+
Damond Ford D HD-40-HIL 33% +-+---
Dru Fox D HD-06-CHE 17% +-----
Loren Foxx D HD-02-HIL 33% +-+---
Mary Freitas D HD-14-HIL 17% +-----
Larry Gagne R HD-13-HIL 83% -+++++
Eric Gallager D HD-15-MER 33% +-+---
Jason Gerhard R HD-25-MER 83% -+++++
Nicholas Germana D HD-01-CHE 33% +-+---
Merryl Gibbs D HD-23-MER 17% +-----
Julie Gilman D HD-18-ROC 17% +-----
Jeffrey Goley D HD-08-HIL 0% .----.
Ted Gorski R HD-07-HIL 80% -+.+++
Linda Gould R HD-07-HIL 60% -+++.-
Sherry Gould D HD-08-MER 50% +-+--+
Michael Granger R HD-02-STR 83% -+++++
Chuck Grassie D HD-11-STR 17% +-----
Dennis Green R HD-13-ROC NA ......
Jeffrey Greeson R HD-16-GRA 83% -+++++
Alicia Gregg D HD-07-HIL 17% +-----
Gerald Griffin R HD-06-HIL 83% -+++++
Jessica Grill D HD-18-HIL 17% +-----
Gaby Grossman D HD-18-ROC 25% +-.-.-
Jaci Grote D HD-24-ROC 17% +-----
Joseph Guthrie R HD-13-ROC 80% -.++++
Mary Hakken-Phillips D HD-12-GRA 0% .---..
Muriel Hall D HD-23-MER 17% +-----
Joan Hamblet D HD-31-ROC 17% +-----
Heidi Hamer D HD-17-HIL 17% +-----
Robert Harb R HD-14-ROC 67% -+++-+
Tina Harley R HD-20-ROC 67% -+++-+
Michael Harrington R HD-03-STR 83% -+++++
Linda Harriott-Gathright D HD-36-HIL 17% +-----
Cathryn Harvey D HD-01-CHE 17% +-----
Juliet Harvey-Bolia R HD-04-BEL 67% -+++-+
Linda Haskins D HD-11-ROC 17% +-----
William Hatch D HD-06-COO NA ......
Bob Healey R HD-21-HIL 67% -+++-+
Mary Heath D HD-14-HIL 0% .----.
Christopher Herbert D HD-43-HIL 20% +---.-
Matthew Hicks D HD-24-MER 17% +-----
Gregory Hill R HD-06-MER 83% -+++++
Deborah Hobson R HD-35-ROC 83% -+++++
J.R. Hoell R HD-27-MER 80% -+.+++
James Horgan R HD-02-STR 83% -+++++
Timothy Horrigan D HD-07-STR 17% +-----
Molly Howard D HD-31-HIL 17% +-----
Heath Howard D HD-04-STR 33% +-+---
Allan Howland D HD-20-STR 17% +-----
Tommy Hoyt D HD-07-GRA 17% +-----
John Hunt R HD-11-CHE 83% -+++++
David Huot D HD-05-BEL 20% +.----
Dan Hynes R HD-02-HIL 83% -+++++
William Infantine R HD-13-HIL 67% -+-+++
Martin Jack D HD-36-HIL 17% +-----
John Janigian R HD-08-ROC 67% -+++-+
Jason Janvrin R HD-40-ROC 67% -+-+++
Jean Jeudy D HD-10-HIL 25% +-.-.-
Philip Jones D HD-03-CHE 17% +-----
Louis Juris D HD-07-HIL 33% +----+
Thomas Kaczynski R HD-22-STR 83% -+++++
Phyllis Katsakiores R HD-06-ROC 83% -+++++
Diane Kelley R HD-25-HIL 83% -+++++
Eamon Kelley D HD-03-COO 33% +-+---
Stephen Kennedy R HD-13-HIL 83% -+++++
Cam Kenney D HD-06-STR 17% +-----
Cathy Kenny R HD-13-HIL 67% -+++-+
Aboul Khan R HD-20-ROC 80% -+.+++
Bill King R HD-23-HIL 67% -+++-+
Seth King R HD-04-COO 83% -+++++
Allison Knab D HD-12-ROC 17% +-----
Jim Kofalt R HD-04-HIL 83% -+++++
Katelyn Kuttab R HD-17-ROC 83% -+++++
Roderick Ladd R HD-05-GRA 50% -+-+-+
Larry Laflamme D HD-03-COO NA ......
Jessica LaMontagne D HD-17-STR 17% +-----
Connie Lane D HD-12-MER 17% +-----
Judi Lanza D HD-29-HIL 17% +-----
Richard Lascelles R HD-20-HIL 67% -+++-+
Erica Layon R HD-06-ROC 83% -+++++
Nicole Leapley D HD-22-HIL 17% +-----
John Leavitt R HD-24-MER 83% -+++++
Daniel LeClerc D HD-34-HIL 17% +-----
Peter Leishman D HD-24-HIL 17% +-----
Alicia Lekas R HD-37-HIL 83% -+++++
Tony Lekas R HD-37-HIL 83% -+++++
Cassandra Levesque D HD-04-STR 17% +-----
John Lewicke R HD-26-HIL 75% .++-+.
Christal Lloyd D HD-08-HIL 0% .----.
Patrick Long D HD-42-HIL 17% +-----
David Love R HD-06-ROC 83% -+++++
Peter Lovett D HD-08-GRA 17% +-----
David Lundgren R HD-05-ROC 17% -+----
David Luneau D HD-10-MER 17% +-----
Bob Lynn R HD-07-ROC 67% -+++-+
Wayne MacDonald R HD-05-ROC 50% .+-+-.
John MacDonald R HD-06-CAR 50% -+-+-+
James MacKay D HD-14-MER 25% +---..
Mark MacKenzie D HD-40-HIL 33% +---+-
Jim Maggiore D HD-22-ROC 20% +----.
Dennis Malloy D HD-23-ROC 0% .----.
Latha Mangipudi D HD-35-HIL 20% +-.---
Dennis Mannion R HD-25-ROC 80% -+++.+
Tom Mannion R HD-01-HIL 83% -+++++
Zoe Manos D HD-12-ROC 17% +-----
James Mason R HD-02-MER 25% .-+--.
Linda Massimilla D HD-01-GRA 0% .----.
Mary Mayville R HD-21-HIL NA ......
Lisa Mazur R HD-44-HIL 83% -+++++
Chris McAleer D HD-07-CAR 33% +-+---
Rebecca Mcbeath D HD-26-ROC 0% .-.---
Nikki McCarter R HD-08-BEL 75% -.+.++
Mark McConkey R HD-03-CAR 67% -+++-+
Valerie McDonnell R HD-25-ROC 50% -+-+-+
Kat McGhee D HD-40-HIL 0% .----.
Tim McGough R HD-12-HIL 83% -+++++
Carol McGuire R HD-29-MER 83% -+++++
Dan McGuire R HD-14-MER 83% -+++++
Mark McLean R HD-44-HIL 67% -+-+++
Charles McMahon R HD-07-ROC 67% -+++-+
Rebecca McWilliams D HD-27-MER 17% +-----
Charles Melvin R HD-15-ROC 83% -+++++
Robert Menear D HD-11-STR 33% +...--
Gary Merchant D HD-04-SUL 50% .++--.
Troy Merner R HD-07-COO 60% -+.+-+
David Meuse D HD-29-ROC 17% +-----
David Milz R HD-06-ROC 33% ---+-+
Ben Ming D HD-35-HIL 17% +-----
Michael Moffett R HD-09-MER 83% -+++++
Renee Monteil D HD-15-CHE 0% .----.
Maureen Mooney R HD-21-HIL 67% -+++-+
Corinne Morse D HD-09-GRA 17% +-----
Jennifer Morton D HD-34-HIL 20% +-.---
Candace Moulton D HD-20-HIL 40% ++.---
Russell Muirhead D HD-12-GRA 17% +-----
Chris Muns D HD-29-ROC 17% +-----
James Murphy D HD-12-GRA 17% +-----
Nancy Murphy D HD-12-HIL 17% +-----
Kate Murray D HD-24-ROC 17% +-----
Megan Murray D HD-22-HIL 17% +-----
Alissandra Murray D HD-20-HIL 50% +-+--+
Mel Myler D HD-10-MER 17% +-----
David Nagel R HD-06-BEL 33% -+---+
Bill Nelson R HD-05-CAR NA ......
Jodi Nelson R HD-06-ROC 50% -.+.-+
Jodi Newell D HD-04-CHE 50% +-+--+
Sue Newman D HD-29-HIL 17% +-----
Ray Newman D HD-29-HIL 17% +-----
Clifford Newton R HD-09-STR 83% -+++++
Kristin Noble R HD-02-HIL 83% -+++++
Henry Noel D HD-05-COO 17% +-----
Sharon Nordgren D HD-12-GRA 25% +-.-.-
Jeanine Notter R HD-21-HIL 83% -+++++
Frances Nutter-Upham D HD-33-HIL 17% +-----
Allison Nutting D HD-34-HIL 17% +-----
Zachary Nutting R HD-11-CHE 83% -+++++
Michael O'Brien D HD-36-HIL 17% +-----
Travis O'Hara R HD-09-BEL 67% -..+.+
Candice O'Neil D HD-29-ROC 17% +-----
Jason Osborne R HD-04-ROC 83% -+++++
Mike Ouellet R HD-03-COO 67% -+++-+
Sherman Packard R HD-05-ROC NA ......
Mark Paige D HD-18-ROC 17% +-----
David Paige D HD-01-CAR 17% +-----
William Palmer D HD-02-SUL 17% +-----
Sandra Panek R HD-01-HIL 80% -+++.+
Gail Pare D HD-16-STR 17% +-----
Lucius Parshall D HD-10-CHE 17% +-----
Diane Pauer R HD-26-HIL 83% -+++++
Stephanie Payeur D HD-08-MER 17% +-----
Mark Pearson R HD-34-ROC 83% -+++++
Stephen Pearson R HD-06-ROC 83% -+++++
Michael Pedersen D HD-32-HIL 20% +---.-
Maria Perez D HD-23-HIL 33% +-+---
Kristine Perez R HD-16-ROC 100% ++++++
Katy Peternel R HD-06-CAR 80% -+++.+
Peter Petrigno D HD-23-HIL 17% +-----
Emily Phillips R HD-07-ROC 83% -+++++
Brandon Phinney R HD-09-STR 80% -+++.+
Tony Piemonte R HD-04-ROC 83% -+++++
Joseph Pitre R HD-03-STR 83% -+++++
Marc Plamondon D HD-03-HIL NA ..-...
Fred Plett R HD-06-HIL 67% -+++-+
Tom Ploszaj R HD-01-BEL 83% -+++++
Yury Polozov R HD-10-MER 83% -+++++
Daniel Popovici-Muller R HD-17-ROC 67% -+++-+
Susan Porcelli R HD-19-ROC 83% -+++++
Lisa Post R HD-04-HIL 83% -+++++
Kelley Potenza R HD-19-STR 83% -+++++
John Potucek R HD-06-ROC 83% -+++++
Kevin Pratt R HD-03-ROC 83% -+++++
David Preece D HD-17-HIL 17% +-----
Mark Proulx R HD-15-HIL 40% .+---+
Andrew Prout R HD-37-HIL 83% -+++++
Katherine Prudhomme-O'Brien R HD-06-ROC 67% -+++-+
Jim Qualey R HD-11-CHE 83% -+++++
Arlene Quaratiello R HD-18-ROC 83% -+++++
Heather Raymond D HD-05-HIL 17% +-----
Ned Raynolds D HD-39-ROC NA ......
Ned Raynolds * D HD-39-ROC 17% +-----
Ellen Read D HD-16-ROC 50% .++--.
Karen Reid R HD-27-HIL 83% -+++++
Andrew Renzullo R HD-37-HIL 83% -+++++
Jennifer Rhodes R HD-15-CHE 50% -+-+-+
Cecilia Rich D HD-18-STR 17% +-----
Jeffrey Rich D HD-12-STR 25% +-.-.-
Beth Richards D HD-13-MER 17% +-----
David Rochefort R HD-01-GRA 83% -+++++
James Roesener D HD-22-MER 50% +-+--+
Skip Rollins R HD-06-SUL 83% -+++++
Catherine Rombeau D HD-07-HIL 17% +-----
Terry Roy R HD-32-ROC 50% -+-+-+
Rosemarie Rung D HD-21-HIL 17% +-----
Linda Ryan D HD-04-HIL 20% +-.---
Gail Sanborn R HD-06-GRA NA ......
Laurie Sanborn R HD-41-HIL 60% -+.+-+
Matthew Santonastaso R HD-14-CHE 83% -+++++
Thomas Schamberg D HD-04-MER 25% +.-.--
Joe Schapiro D HD-16-CHE 33% +-+---
Peter Schmidt D HD-19-STR 17% +-----
Dianne Schuett D HD-20-MER 17% +-----
Kristina Schultz D HD-18-MER 20% +.----
Brian Seaworth R HD-20-MER 83% -+++++
Alvin See R HD-26-MER 83% -+++++
Christine Seibert D HD-21-HIL 17% +-----
Sheila Seidel R HD-29-HIL 83% -+++++
Loren Selig D HD-10-STR 17% +-----
John Sellers R HD-18-GRA 80% -+++.+
Vanessa Sheehan R HD-23-HIL 83% -+++++
Stephen Shurtleff D HD-11-MER 17% +-----
Matthew Simon R HD-14-GRA 83% -+++++
Alexis Simpson D HD-36-ROC 17% +-----
Shane Sirois R HD-32-HIL 83% -+++++
Lisa Smart R HD-02-BEL 83% -+++++
Steven Smith R HD-11-SUL 60% -.++-+
Marjorie Smith D HD-07-STR 17% +-----
Jonathan Smith R HD-05-CAR 83% -+++++
Geoff Smith D HD-21-STR 33% +-+---
Juliet Smith D HD-18-HIL 17% +-----
Catherine Sofikitis D HD-34-HIL 33% +-+---
Julius Soti R HD-07-ROC 83% -+++++
Timothy Soucy D HD-34-HIL 17% +-----
Thomas Southworth D HD-20-STR 17% +-----
Carry Spier D HD-06-HIL 17% +-----
James Spillane R HD-02-ROC 83% -+++++
Walter Spilsbury R HD-08-SUL 67% -+-+++
Charlie St. Clair D HD-05-BEL 0% .----.
Walter Stapleton R HD-05-SUL 67% -++++-
Kathy Staub D HD-25-HIL 17% +-----
Laurel Stavis D HD-13-GRA 33% +...--
Jonathan Stone R HD-08-SUL 83% -+++++
Jerry Stringham D HD-03-GRA 17% +-----
Brian Sullivan D HD-01-SUL 17% +-----
Jared Sullivan D HD-02-GRA 33% +-+---
James Summers R HD-20-ROC 83% -+++++
Joe Sweeney R HD-08-ROC 67% -+++-+
George Sykes D HD-13-GRA 17% +-----
John Sytek R HD-08-ROC 33% ---+-+
Linda Tanner D HD-09-SUL 17% +-----
Bruce Tatro D HD-10-CHE 25% +-..--
Laura Telerski D HD-35-HIL 17% +-----
Trinidad Tellez D HD-40-HIL 0% .----.
Jeffrey Tenczar R HD-01-HIL 80% -+.+++
Paul Terry R HD-05-BEL 83% -+++++
Dave Testerman R HD-02-MER 50% -+-+-+
Dick Thackston R HD-12-CHE 50% -++--+
Douglas Thomas R HD-05-ROC 83% -+++++
Wendy Thomas D HD-12-HIL 33% +-+---
James Tierney R HD-01-COO 50% -+-+-+
Amanda Toll D HD-16-CHE 17% +-----
Susan Treleaven D HD-17-STR 20% +-.---
Richard Tripp R HD-06-ROC 50% -+-+-+
Douglas Trottier R HD-06-BEL 75% ++..-+
Chris True R HD-04-ROC 83% -+++++
Paul Tudor R HD-01-ROC 50% -+-+-+
Leonard Turcotte R HD-04-STR 83% -+++++
Alisson Turcotte D HD-11-MER 17% +-----
Eric Turer D HD-06-ROC 17% +-----
Jordan Ulery R HD-37-HIL 83% -+++++
Karen Umberger R HD-02-CAR NA ......
Suzanne Vail D HD-29-HIL 17% +-----
Mark Vallone D HD-05-ROC 17% +-----
Susan Vandecasteele R HD-08-ROC 60% .++--+
Peter Varney R HD-05-BEL 80% -+.+++
Daniel Veilleux D HD-22-HIL 17% +-----
Kevin Verville R HD-02-ROC 67% -.+..+
Kenneth Vincent D HD-17-STR NA .-.-..
Robin Vogt D HD-21-ROC 20% +-.---
Michael Vose R HD-09-ROC 83% -+++++
Janet Wall D HD-07-STR 17% +-----
Scott Wallace R HD-33-ROC 83% -+++++
Mary Wallner D HD-12-MER 17% +-----
Thomas Walsh R HD-24-MER 83% -+++++
Lilli Walsh R HD-15-ROC 67% -+++-+
Gerald Ward D HD-28-ROC 20% +----.
Lucy Weber D HD-02-CHE 17% +-----
Kenneth Weyler R HD-13-ROC 67% -+++-+
Jonah Wheeler D HD-33-HIL 67% +++--+
Robert Wherry R HD-13-HIL 83% -+++++
Matthew Wilhelm D HD-42-HIL 17% +-----
Dan Wolf R HD-07-HIL 17% +-----
Clayton Wood R HD-13-MER 83% -+++++
Stephen Woodcock D HD-02-CAR 17% +-----
Kurt Wuelper R HD-03-STR NA ......
Josh Yokela R HD-33-ROC 67% -++-++

Average Constitutional Score by Party

Party Score
Republican 73.1%
Democrat 19.9%