Freedom Index

A Legislative Scorecard Based on the Principles of the U.S. Constitution

Legislative Scorecard Based on the U.S. Constitution

The Legislative Scorecard is a nationwide educational program of The John Birch Society. Its purpose is to create an informed electorate on how state legislators are voting. The Scorecard is nonpartisan; it does not promote any candidate or political party. Bills are selected for their constitutional implications and cost to the taxpayers.

Please share this Scorecard in your district to inform people about your legislator's record on key votes.
U.S. Constitution, Amendment I --- 11 C.F.R. §114(4)(c)(4) --- 616 F.2d 45 (2d Cir. 1980)

Legislative Scorecard

Based on the U.S. Constitution

NY Scorecard 2021-2022

The Legislative Scorecard is a nationwide educational program of The John Birch Society. Its purpose is to create an informed electorate on how state legislators are voting. The Scorecard is nonpartisan; it does not promote any candidate or political party. Bills are selected for their constitutional implications and cost to the taxpayers.

Please share this Scorecard in your district to inform people about your legislator's record on key votes.
U.S. Constitution, Amendment I --- 11 C.F.R. §114(4)(c)(4) --- 616 F.2d 45 (2d Cir. 1980)

The following scorecard lists several key votes in the New York Legislature in 2021-2022 and ranks their State Senators and House Representatives based on their fidelity to (U.S.) constitutional and limited-government principles.

This is our first state-level Scorecard; the selected votes may not be reflective of legislators’ overall records. Their cumulative scores will change as we add more votes. Please check regularly for updates.

State Assembly

1. Public Health Crisis

Good Vote: No

S02987 Public Health Crisis (Passed 110 to 39 on 6/10/2021). Declares racism a public health crisis and establishes a working group within the department of health to promote racial equity.

2. Green Building Codes

Good Vote: No

S09405 Green Building Codes (Passed 103 to 47 on 6/1/2022). Promotes clean energy and the implementation of the climate agenda to the state energy conservation construction code, which increases the energy efficiency standards of appliances and equipment.

3. Formal Titles

Good Vote: No

A08272 Formal Titles (Passed 138 to 5 on 1/25/2022). Replaces all instances of the words "councilman" or "councilmen" with more inclusive words such as "council member" or "council members".

4. Government Assisted Housing

Good Vote: No

S05257 Government Assisted Housing (Passed 146 to 2 on 6/9/2021). Provides a mechanism for the state to finance the acquisition of distressed hotels and commercial office properties by the appropriate nonprofit organizations for the purpose of providing affordable housing.

5. Racial Equity

Good Vote: No

S03468 Racial Equity (Passed 140 to 5 on 5/23/2022). Establishes the office of racial equity and social justice to implement the state's racial equity and social justice action plan.

6. Equity Program

Good Vote: No

S08884 Equity Program (Passed 136 to 13 on 6/3/2022). Establishes the transgender and gender non-binary (TGNB) wellness and equity program, which expands social programs in the name of equity.

Legislator Scores
[ + ] Pro-liberty Vote[ - ] Anti-liberty Vote[ . ] Did not Vote
Name Party District Score 123456
Peter Abbate D HD-049 0% -----.
Thomas Abinanti D HD-092 0% ------
Khaleel Anderson D HD-031 0% ------
Joseph Angelino R HD-122 67% +++--+
Jeffrion Aubry D HD-035 0% ------
William Barclay R HD-120 33% ++----
Brian Barnwell D HD-030 0% ------
Didi Barrett D HD-106 0% ------
Charles Barron D HD-060 NA -..-..
Michael Benedetto D HD-082 0% --.---
Rodneyse Bichotte Hermelyn D HD-042 0% ------
Kenneth Blankenbush R HD-117 33% ++----
Karl Brabenec R HD-098 67% +++--+
Edward Braunstein D HD-026 0% ------
Harry Bronson D HD-138 0% ------
Eric Brown R HD-020 33% .+..--
Keith Brown R HD-012 17% +-----
Christopher Burdick D HD-093 0% ------
Kenneth Burgos D HD-085 0% ------
Patrick Burke D HD-142 0% ------
Marianne Buttenschon D HD-119 33% -+---+
Kevin Byrne R HD-094 50% ++--+-
Marjorie Byrnes R HD-133 33% ++----
Kevin Cahill D HD-103 0% ------
Robert Carroll D HD-044 0% ------
Monique Chandler-Waterman D HD-058 NA .-...-
Sarah Clark D HD-136 0% ------
William Colton D HD-047 0% ------
William Conrad D HD-140 0% ------
Vivian Cook D HD-032 0% ------
Catalina Cruz D HD-039 0% ------
Brian Cunningham D HD-043 0% .-..--
Michael Cusick D HD-063 0% ------
Steven Cymbrowitz D HD-045 0% ------
Taylor Darling D HD-018 0% ------
Maritza Davila D HD-053 0% ------
Carmen De La Rosa D HD-072 NA -..-..
Manny De Los Santos D HD-072 0% .-..--
Joseph DeStefano R HD-003 33% ++----
Inez Dickens D HD-070 0% ----.-
Erik Dilan D HD-054 0% ----.-
Jeffrey Dinowitz D HD-081 0% ------
David DiPietro R HD-147 67% +++--+
Michael Durso R HD-009 33% ++----
Simcha Eichenstein D HD-048 33% -+---+
Steven Englebright D HD-004 0% ------
Harvey Epstein D HD-074 0% ------
Patricia Fahy D HD-109 0% ------
Charles Fall D HD-061 0% ------
Nathalia Fernandez D HD-080 0% ------
Michael Fitzpatrick R HD-008 67% +++-+-
Christopher Friend R HD-124 67% ++--++
Mathylde Frontus D HD-046 0% --.---
Sandra Galef D HD-095 0% ------
Emily Gallagher D HD-050 0% ------
Jeff Gallahan R HD-131 33% ++----
Jarett Gandolfo R HD-007 50% ++---+
Eddie Gibbs D HD-068 0% .-..--
Jodi Giglio R HD-002 17% -+----
Joseph Giglio R HD-148 33% ++----
Deborah Glick D HD-066 0% ------
Jessica Gonzalez-Rojas D HD-034 0% ------
Andrew Goodell R HD-150 33% ++----
Richard Gottfried D HD-075 0% ------
Judy Griffin D HD-021 0% ------
Aileen Gunther D HD-100 0% ------
Stephen Hawley R HD-139 33% ++----
Carl Heastie D HD-083 0% ------
Andrew Hevesi D HD-028 0% ------
Pamela Hunter D HD-128 0% ------
Alicia Hyndman D HD-029 0% ------
Chantel Jackson D HD-079 0% ------
Jonathan Jacobson D HD-104 0% ------
Kimberly Jean-Pierre D HD-011 0% ------
Josh Jensen R HD-134 33% ++----
D. Billy Jones D HD-115 17% -+----
Latoya Joyner D HD-077 0% ------
Anna Kelles D HD-125 0% ------
Ron Kim D HD-040 0% ------
Kieran Lalor R HD-105 60% ++--.+
Charles Lavine D HD-013 0% ------
Michael Lawler R HD-097 17% -+----
John Lemondes R HD-126 33% ++----
Nikki Lucas D HD-060 0% .-..--
Jennifer Lunsford D HD-135 0% ------
Donna Lupardo D HD-123 0% ------
William Magnarelli D HD-129 0% ------
Zohran Kwame Mamdani D HD-036 0% ------
Brian Manktelow R HD-130 83% +++-++
John McDonald D HD-108 0% ------
David McDonough R HD-014 33% ++----
Karen McMahon D HD-146 0% ------
Demond Meeks D HD-137 0% ------
John Mikulin R HD-017 33% ++----
Melissa Miller R HD-020 33% ++----
Michael Miller D HD-038 NA ......
Brian Miller R HD-101 33% +.--..
Marcela Mitaynes D HD-051 0% ------
Michael Montesano R HD-015 33% ++----
Angelo Morinello R HD-145 33% ++----
Yuh-line Niou D HD-065 0% ------
Catherine Nolan D HD-037 0% .-..--
Michael Norris R HD-144 33% -+---+
Daniel O'Donnell D HD-069 0% ------
Steven Otis D HD-091 0% ------
Philip Palmesano R HD-132 33% ++----
Amy Paulin D HD-088 0% ------
Crystal Peoples-Stokes D HD-141 0% ------
Nick Perry D HD-058 0% -.--..
Stacey Pheffer Amato D HD-023 0% ------
Victor Pichardo D HD-086 NA -..-..
Gary Pretlow D HD-089 0% ------
Dan Quart D HD-073 0% --.---
Edward Ra R HD-019 33% ++----
Jenifer Rajkumar D HD-038 0% ------
Philip Ramos D HD-006 0% ------
Michael Reilly R HD-062 33% ++----
Karines Reyes D HD-087 0% ------
Diane Richardson D HD-043 0% -.--..
Jonathan Rivera D HD-149 0% ------
Jose Rivera D HD-078 0% ------
Robert Rodriguez D HD-068 NA -..-..
Linda Rosenthal D HD-067 0% ------
Daniel Rosenthal D HD-027 0% ----.-
Nily Rozic D HD-025 0% ------
John Salka R HD-121 33% ++----
Angelo Santabarbara D HD-111 17% -+----
Nader Sayegh D HD-090 0% ------
Colin Schmitt R HD-099 50% ++---+
Rebecca Seawright D HD-076 0% ------
Amanda Septimo D HD-084 0% ------
Gina Sillitti D HD-016 0% ------
Jo Simon D HD-052 0% ------
Matthew Simpson R HD-114 33% ++----
Doug Smith R HD-005 33% -+---+
Robert Smullen R HD-118 33% ++----
Michaelle Solages D HD-022 0% ------
Phara Souffrant Forrest D HD-057 0% ---.--
Phillip Steck D HD-110 0% ------
Steve Stern D HD-010 0% ------
Albert Stirpe D HD-127 0% ------
Christopher Tague R HD-102 33% ++----
Michael Tannousis R HD-064 33% ++----
Yudelka Tapia D HD-086 0% .--.--
Alfred Taylor D HD-071 0% ------
Fred Thiele D HD-001 0% ------
Clyde Vanel D HD-033 0% ------
Mark Walczyk R HD-116 83% ++-+++
Latrice Walker D HD-055 0% ------
Monica Wallace D HD-143 0% ------
Mary Walsh R HD-112 33% ++----
Helene Weinstein D HD-041 0% ------
David Weprin D HD-024 0% ------
Jaime Williams D HD-059 17% ---+--
Carrie Woerner D HD-113 17% -+----
Kenneth Zebrowski D HD-096 0% ------
Stefani Zinerman D HD-056 0% ------

Average Constitutional Score by Party

Party Score
Democrat 1.2%
Republican 40%