SB1122 outlines the allocation and budgeting of $5.9 billion for the public school system for FY 2024-25.
The House passed SB1122 on May 30, 2024, by a vote of 70 to 24. We have assigned pluses to the nays because education is not the role of government—rather, it is the responsibility of a child’s parents or family. This bill only continues the government’s monopoly over K-12 education, which seeks to end traditional private schools and homeschooling in favor of universal state-sponsored schooling, and effectively turn every student into a government-school student. The best “school choice,” by far, is for parents to choose not to place their child’s education in the hands of the state. Educational and economic freedom cannot be achieved by forcing other citizens to furnish their hard-earned tax dollars to fund all that now entails a compulsory, failing, and government-run K-12 school system.