HJM3 informs Congress that all applications for an “amendment convention” under Article V of the U.S. Constitution that were previously made by the Legislative Assembly are withdrawn and “null and void.”

The House passed HJM3 on June 13, 2023, by a vote of 36 to 22. We have assigned pluses to the ayes because efforts to call an Article V convention should be resisted. Instead of failing to uphold their oath of office and risking a constitutional convention, legislators in Oregon and the rest of the several States should “support and defend the Constitution,” as required under Article VI, Clauses 2 and 3, by acting to immediately nullify all unconstitutional federal laws. Whenever the federal government assumes undelegated powers, in blatant violation of the 10th Amendment, nullification of such acts is the proper remedy. Article V of the Constitution was designed to correct potential errors or defects in the Constitution, not to misconstrue or abuse its powers. The States can and must use Article VI to enforce the Constitution, rather than use Article V to change it.  

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