Freedom Index

A Legislative Scorecard Based on the Principles of the U.S. Constitution

Legislative Scorecard Based on the U.S. Constitution

The Legislative Scorecard is a nationwide educational program of The John Birch Society. Its purpose is to create an informed electorate on how state legislators are voting. The Scorecard is nonpartisan; it does not promote any candidate or political party. Bills are selected for their constitutional implications and cost to the taxpayers.

Please share this Scorecard in your district to inform people about your legislator's record on key votes.
U.S. Constitution, Amendment I --- 11 C.F.R. §114(4)(c)(4) --- 616 F.2d 45 (2d Cir. 1980)

Legislative Scorecard

Based on the U.S. Constitution

PA Scorecard 2023

The Legislative Scorecard is a nationwide educational program of The John Birch Society. Its purpose is to create an informed electorate on how state legislators are voting. The Scorecard is nonpartisan; it does not promote any candidate or political party. Bills are selected for their constitutional implications and cost to the taxpayers.

Please share this Scorecard in your district to inform people about your legislator's record on key votes.
U.S. Constitution, Amendment I --- 11 C.F.R. §114(4)(c)(4) --- 616 F.2d 45 (2d Cir. 1980)

The following scorecard lists several key votes in the Pennsylvania Legislature in 2023 and ranks state representatives and senators based on their fidelity to (U.S.) constitutional and limited-government principles.

This is our third state-level Scorecard; the selected votes may not be reflective of legislators’ overall records. Their cumulative scores will change as we add more votes. Please check regularly for updates.

House of Representatives

1. Workers' Rights

Good Vote: No

HB950 Workers' Rights (Passed 102 to 99 on 5/3/2023). Amends the Pennsylvania Constitution to protect the right to organize and collectively bargain for wages, hours, working conditions, economic welfare and safety at work.

2. Gun Background Checks

Good Vote: No
HB714 Gun Background Checks (Passed 109 to 92 on 5/22/23). Removes the exemption for certain private gun sales from background check requirements.

3. Minimum Wage

Good Vote: No

HB1500 Minimum Wage (Passed 103 to 100 on 6/20/23). Proposes a new minimum wage schedule.

4. Government Grants

Good Vote: No

HB450 Government Grants (Passed 166 to 37 on 6/6/23). Aims to aid municipalities in revitalizing downtown commercial areas by supporting eligible applicants.

5. WIC Advisory Board

Good Vote: No
HB664 WIC Advisory Board (Passed 155 to 48 on 6/12/23). Establishes a Women, Infants, and Children State Advisory Board to advise the Department of Health on the Pennsylvania Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children.

6. Solar for Schools Grant

Good Vote: No
HB1032 Solar for School Grant (Passed 134 to 69 on 6/29/23). Establishes the Solar for Schools Grant Program within the Department of Community and Economic Development.
Legislator Scores
[ + ] Pro-liberty Vote[ - ] Anti-liberty Vote[ . ] Did not Vote
Name Party District Score 123456
Aerion Abney D HD-019 0% ------
Joseph Adams R HD-139 50% +++---
Mike Armanini R HD-075 100% ++++++
Jacob Banta R HD-004 100% ++++++
James Barton R HD-124 100% ++++++
Anthony Bellmon D HD-203 0% ------
Jessica Benham D HD-036 0% ------
Kerry Benninghoff R HD-171 100% ++++++
Aaron Bernstine R HD-010 100% ++++++
Ryan Bizzarro D HD-003 0% ------
Timothy Bonner R HD-008 83% ++++-+
Stephanie Borowicz R HD-076 100% ++++++
Lisa Borowski D HD-168 0% ------
Heather Boyd D HD-163 0% ..----
Kevin Boyle D HD-172 0% ------
Matthew Bradford D HD-070 0% ------
Timothy Brennan D HD-029 0% ------
Timothy Briggs D HD-149 0% ------
Amen Brown D HD-190 0% ------
Rosemary Brown R HD-189 NA ......
Donna Bullock D HD-195 0% ------
Danilo Burgos D HD-197 0% ------
Frank Burns D HD-072 33% -++---
Michael Cabell R HD-117 67% +++-+-
Martin Causer R HD-067 83% +++-++
Johanny Cepeda-Freytiz D HD-129 0% ------
Morgan Cephas D HD-192 0% ------
Melissa Cerrato D HD-151 0% ------
Joseph Ciresi D HD-146 0% ------
Scott Conklin D HD-077 0% ------
Donald Cook R HD-049 83% +++-++
Jill Cooper R HD-055 67% +++--+
Gina Curry D HD-164 0% ------
Bryan Cutler R HD-100 50% +++---
Joseph D'Orsie R HD-047 100% ++++++
Mary Jo Daley D HD-148 0% ------
Eric Davanzo R HD-058 83% +++++-
Tina Davis D HD-141 0% ------
Jason Dawkins D HD-179 0% ------
Daniel Deasy D HD-027 0% ------
David Delloso D HD-162 0% ------
Sheryl Delozier R HD-088 33% +-+---
Russ Diamond R HD-102 83% ++++-+
Kyle Donahue D HD-113 0% ------
George Dunbar R HD-056 67% +++--+
Torren Ecker R HD-193 83% +++-++
Joseph Emrick R HD-137 50% +++---
Frank Farry R HD-142 NA ......
Melinda Fee R HD-037 67% +++--+
Elizabeth Fiedler D HD-184 0% ------
Wendy Fink R HD-094 100% ++++++
Justin Fleming D HD-105 0% ------
Jamie Flick R HD-083 67% +++--+
Ann Flood R HD-138 67% +++--+
Martin Flynn D SD-022 NA ......
Liz Hanbidge D HD-061 0% ------
Dan Frankel D HD-023 0% ------
Robert Freeman D HD-136 0% ------
Paul Friel D HD-026 0% ------
Jonathan Fritz R HD-111 67% +++-+-
Patrick Gallagher D HD-173 0% ------
Marla Gallo Brown R HD-009 83% +++-++
John Galloway D HD-140 0% ------
Valerie Gaydos R HD-044 50% +-++--
Matthew Gergely D HD-035 0% ------
Mark Gillen R HD-128 50% +++---
Jose Giral D HD-180 0% ------
Barbara Gleim R HD-199 100% ++++++
Roni Green D HD-190 0% ------
James Gregory R HD-080 100% ++++++
Keith Greiner R HD-043 83% +++-++
Charity Grimm Krupa R HD-051 100% ++++++
Seth Grove R HD-196 83% ++++-+
Nancy Guenst D HD-152 0% ------
Manuel Guzman D HD-127 0% ------
James Haddock D HD-118 0% ------
Joe Hamm R HD-084 100% ++++++
Patrick Harkins D HD-001 0% ------
Jordan Harris D HD-186 0% ------
Doyle Heffley R HD-122 83% +++-++
Carol Hill-Evans D HD-095 0% ------
Joseph Hogan R HD-142 17% +-----
Joseph Hohenstein D HD-177 0% ------
Kristine Howard D HD-167 0% ------
Sara Innamorato D HD-021 0% ------
Rich Irvin R HD-081 100% ++++++
Mary Isaacson D HD-175 0% ------
Robert James R HD-064 67% +++--+
Mike Jones R HD-093 100% ++++++
Thomas Jones R HD-098 100% ++++++
Barry Jozwiak R HD-005 67% +++--+
Joshua Kail R HD-015 50% +++---
Aaron Kaufer R HD-120 50% +++---
Robert Kauffman R HD-089 100% ++++++
Carol Kazeem D HD-159 0% ------
Dawn Keefer R HD-092 100% ++++++
Malcolm Kenyatta D HD-181 0% ------
Dallas Kephart R HD-073 100% ++++++
Joe Kerwin R HD-125 50% +++---
Tarik Khan D HD-194 0% ------
Patty Kim D HD-103 0% ------
Emily Kinkead D HD-020 0% ------
Stephen Kinsey D HD-201 0% ------
Kate Klunk R HD-169 67% +++--+
Bridget Kosierowski D HD-114 0% ------
Rick Krajewski D HD-188 0% ------
Leanne Krueger-Braneky D HD-161 0% ------
Anita Kulik D HD-045 0% ------
Thomas Kutz R HD-087 67% +++--+
Andrew Kuzma R HD-039 67% +++--+
Shelby Labs R HD-143 50% +++---
John Lawrence R HD-013 83% ++++-+
Robert Leadbeter R HD-109 100% ++++++
Milou Mackenzie R HD-131 67% +++--+
Ryan Mackenzie R HD-134 67% +++--+
Maureen Madden D HD-115 0% ------
David Madsen D HD-104 0% ------
Abby Major R HD-060 67% +++--+
Zachary Mako R HD-183 67% +++--+
Steven Malagari D HD-053 0% ------
David Maloney R HD-130 100% ++++++
Kristin Marcell R HD-178 33% +-+---
Brandon Markosek D HD-025 0% ------
James Marshall R HD-014 50% +++---
Robert Matzie D HD-016 0% ------
La'Tasha Mayes D HD-024 0% ------
Joe McAndrew D HD-032 0% ------
Joanna McClinton D HD-191 0% ------
Jeanne McNeill D HD-133 0% ------
Thomas Mehaffie R HD-106 33% -++---
Steven Mentzer R HD-097 50% +++---
Rob Mercuri R HD-028 33% +-+---
Robert Merski D HD-002 0% ------
Carl Metzgar R HD-069 83% +++-++
Natalie Mihalek R HD-040 33% +-+---
Daniel Miller D HD-042 0% ------
Brett Miller R HD-041 83% +++-++
Dan Moul R HD-091 83% +++-++
Kyle Mullins D HD-112 0% ------
Brian Munroe D HD-144 0% ------
Marci Mustello R HD-011 67% +++--+
Ed Neilson D HD-174 0% ------
Napoleon Nelson D HD-154 0% ------
Eric Nelson R HD-057 67% ++++--
Jennifer O'Mara D HD-165 0% ------
Timothy O'Neal R HD-048 50% +++---
Donna Oberlander R HD-063 67% +++--+
Jason Ortitay R HD-046 50% +++---
Danielle Otten D HD-155 0% ------
Clinton Owlett R HD-068 83% +++-++
Darisha Parker D HD-198 0% ------
Eddie Pashinski D HD-121 0% ------
Tina Pickett R HD-110 83% +++-++
Christopher Pielli D HD-156 0% ------
Nick Pisciottano D HD-038 0% ------
Lindsay Powell D HD-021 NA ......
Tarah Probst D HD-189 0% ------
Christopher Rabb D HD-200 0% ------
Jack Rader R HD-176 67% +++--+
Kathy Rapp R HD-065 100% ++++++
James Rigby R HD-071 50% +++---
Bradley Roae R HD-006 100% ++++++
Leslie Rossi R HD-059 100% ++++++
Greg Rothman R HD-087 NA ......
David Rowe R HD-085 100% ++++++
Mark Rozzi D HD-126 0% ------
Alec Ryncavage R HD-119 50% +++---
Abigail Salisbury D HD-034 0% ------
Stephen Samuelson D HD-135 0% ------
Ben Sanchez D HD-153 0% ------
Christina Sappey D HD-158 0% ------
Paul Schemel R HD-090 100% ++++++
Donna Scheuren R HD-147 67% +++--+
John Schlegel R HD-101 67% ++++--
Lynda Schlegel Culver R HD-108 NA ......
Michael Schlossberg D HD-132 0% ------
Louis Schmitt R HD-079 50% +++---
Peter Schweyer D HD-022 0% ------
Stephenie Scialabba R HD-012 67% +++--+
Gregory Scott D HD-054 0% ------
Melissa Shusterman D HD-157 0% ------
Joshua Siegel D HD-022 0% ------
Brian Smith R HD-066 100% ++++++
Ismail Smith-Wade-El D HD-049 0% ------
Jared Solomon D HD-202 0% ------
Craig Staats R HD-145 83% +++-++
Perry Stambaugh R HD-086 100% ++++++
Mandy Steele D HD-033 0% ------
Joanne Stehr R HD-107 100% ++++++
Michael Stender R HD-108 75% ..+-++
James Struzzi R HD-062 50% +++---
Michael Sturla D HD-096 0% ------
Paul Takac D HD-082 0% ------
Kathleen Tomlinson R HD-018 17% +-----
Jesse Topper R HD-078 67% +++--+
Tim Twardzik R HD-123 83% +++-++
Arvind Venkat D HD-030 0% ------
Gregory Vitali D HD-166 0% ------
Ryan Warner R HD-052 83% +++-++
Perry Warren D HD-031 0% ------
Dane Watro R HD-116 67% +++-+-
Benjamin Waxman D HD-182 0% ------
Joseph Webster D HD-150 0% ------
Parke Wentling R HD-017 67% +++--+
Martina White R HD-170 33% +-+---
Dan Williams D HD-074 0% ------
Craig Williams R HD-160 33% +-+---
Regina Young D HD-185 0% ------
Michael Zabel D HD-163 NA ......
David Zimmerman R HD-099 100% ++++++

Average Constitutional Score by Party

Party Score
Democrat 0.3%
Republican 73.4%