Freedom Index

A Legislative Scorecard Based on the Principles of the U.S. Constitution

Daniel W. Thatcher

Daniel W. Thatcher


District SD-011



Phone: 801-759-4746

Pro-liberty Votes

Score Session
56% Cumulative
60% 2024 Regular Session 2024 Regular Session
50% 2021-2022 Sessions 2021-2022 Sessions
Daniel W. Thatcher

Daniel W. Thatcher


District SD-011


Status: Active Legislator


Phone: 801-759-4746


Pro-liberty Votes

Score Session
56% Cumulative
60% 2024 Regular Session 2024 Regular Session
50% 2021-2022 Sessions 2021-2022 Sessions

Voting History

Legislative Scorecard Based on the U.S. Constitution

The Legislative Scorecard is a nationwide educational program of The John Birch Society. Its purpose is to create an informed electorate on how state legislators are voting. The Scorecard is nonpartisan; it does not promote any candidate or political party. Bills are selected for their constitutional implications and cost to the taxpayers.

Please share this Scorecard in your district to inform people about your legislator's record on key votes.
U.S. Constitution, Amendment I --- 11 C.F.R. §114(4)(c)(4) --- 616 F.2d 45 (2d Cir. 1980)

Legislative Scorecard

Based on the U.S. Constitution

UT Scorecard 2023

The Legislative Scorecard is a nationwide educational program of The John Birch Society. Its purpose is to create an informed electorate on how state legislators are voting. The Scorecard is nonpartisan; it does not promote any candidate or political party. Bills are selected for their constitutional implications and cost to the taxpayers.

Please share this Scorecard in your district to inform people about your legislator's record on key votes.
U.S. Constitution, Amendment I --- 11 C.F.R. §114(4)(c)(4) --- 616 F.2d 45 (2d Cir. 1980)

The following scorecard lists several key votes in the Utah State Legislature in 2023 and ranks state representatives and senators based on their fidelity to (U.S.) constitutional and limited-government principles.

This is our second state-level Scorecard; the selected votes may not be reflective of legislators' overall records. Their cumulative scores will change as we add more votes. Please check regularly for updates.

The following scorecard lists several key votes in the Utah State Legislature in 2023 and ranks state representatives and senators based on their fidelity to (U.S.) constitutional and limited-government principles.

This is our second state-level Scorecard; the selected votes may not be reflective of legislators' overall records. Their cumulative scores will change as we add more votes. Please check regularly for updates.

Pro-liberty Vote Pro-liberty vote
Anti-liberty Vote Anti-liberty vote
Did not vote Did not Vote
This legislator did not cast a sufficient number of votes to score this report.
Did not Vote

HB219 Federal Firearm Enforcement Limitation Act (passed 20 to 6 on 3/3/2023). Prohibits state and local agencies from “implementing, enforcing, assisting, or cooperating in the enforcement of a federal regulation on firearms, firearm accessories, or ammunition.”

HB219, the “Federal Firearm Enforcement Limitation Act,” prohibits state and local agencies from “implementing, enforcing, assisting, or cooperating in the enforcement of a federal regulation on firearms, firearm accessories, or ammunition.”

Despite containing significant exceptions or loopholes, this bill declares that the state will not enforce certain federal firearms regulations, while recognizing its commitment to securing “the right of individual Utah citizens to keep and bear arms” from “unconstitutional government interference.” Whenever the federal government assumes power to impose firearms restrictions in blatant violation of the Bill of Rights and the 14th Amendment, nullification of such acts by the several States is the proper remedy.

HB219, the “Federal Firearm Enforcement Limitation Act,” prohibits state and local agencies from “implementing, enforcing, assisting, or cooperating in the enforcement of a federal regulation on firearms, firearm accessories, or ammunition.”

The Senate passed HB219 on March 3, 2023, by a vote of 20 to 6. We have assigned pluses to the yeas because this bill, despite containing significant exceptions or loopholes, declares that the state will not enforce certain federal firearms regulations, while recognizing its commitment to securing “the right of individual Utah citizens to keep and bear arms” from “unconstitutional government interference.” Whenever the federal government assumes power to impose firearms restrictions in blatant violation of the Bill of Rights and the 14th Amendment, nullification of such acts by the several States is the proper remedy.   

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Did not Vote

SB258 State-Sponsored Preschool for All (passed 26 to 0 on 3/3/2023). Expands the Utah Preparing Students Today for a Rewarding Tomorrow (UPSTART) program participation to all preschool children and residential certificate preschool providers.

SB258 expands the Utah Preparing Students Today for a Rewarding Tomorrow (UPSTART) program participation to all preschool children and residential certificate preschool providers.   

This bill threatens educational freedom by attempting to displace traditional private and home education options in favor of a state-sponsored, universal preschool program. By means of curriculum controls and dependency on taxpayer funds, UPSTART effectively turns all participating preschools into government preschools. Moreover, education is not the role of government; a child's education is the responsibility of—and a fundamental right of choice retained by—his or her parents.  Forcing the citizens of Utah to hand over more of their hard-earned tax dollars to further support a compulsory, government-run, and failing K-12 school system violates their individual liberties guaranteed by the Bill of Rights.

SB258 expands the Utah Preparing Students Today for a Rewarding Tomorrow (UPSTART) program participation to all preschool children and residential certificate preschool providers.   

The Senate passed SB258 on March 3, 2023, by a vote of 26 to 0. We have assigned minuses to the yeas because this bill threatens educational freedom by attempting to displace traditional private and home education options in favor of a state-sponsored, universal preschool program. By means of curriculum controls and dependency on taxpayer funds, UPSTART effectively turns all participating preschools into government preschools. Moreover, education is not the role of government; a child's education is the responsibility of—and a fundamental right of choice retained by—his or her parents.  Forcing the citizens of Utah to hand over more of their hard-earned tax dollars to further support a compulsory, government-run, and failing K-12 school system violates their individual liberties guaranteed by the Bill of Rights.

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Did not Vote

HB467 Closing Abortion Clinics (passed 22 to 6 on 3/2/2023). Prevents an abortion clinic from being licensed after May 2, 2023, and from operating on or after January 1, 2024, or when their license expires.

HB467 prevents an abortion clinic from being licensed after May 2, 2023, and from operating on or after January 1, 2024, or when their license expires.

The care of human life—not its destruction—is the greatest responsibility of government. Utah ought to forbid the practice of abortion entirely and secure the right to life for every preborn child. The right to life is the most fundamental, God-given, and unalienable right asserted in the Declaration of Independence and protected by the Fifth and 14th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution.

HB467 prevents an abortion clinic from being licensed after May 2, 2023, and from operating on or after January 1, 2024, or when their license expires.

The Senate passed HB467 on March 2, 2023, by a vote of 22 to 6. We have assigned pluses to the yeas because the care of human life—not its destruction—is the greatest responsibility of government. Utah ought to forbid the practice of abortion entirely and secure the right to life for every preborn child. The right to life is the most fundamental, God-given, and unalienable right asserted in the Declaration of Independence and protected by the Fifth and 14th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution.

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Did not Vote

SB217 CHIP "Benefits" for Illegal Aliens (passed 25 to 3 on 3/2/2023). Creates new Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) “benefits” for non-citizen children aged 18 or younger who are not lawfully present in United States.

SB217 creates new Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) “benefits” for non-citizen children aged 18 or younger who are not lawfully present in United States.

Persons who enter the United States illegally—which, by definition, is a crime—ought not to be permitted sanctuary or residency in Utah, let alone be considered eligible for CHIP “benefits.” Besides, neither health care nor social welfare is the legitimate object of government. CHIP, like Medicaid and other so-called federal and state-level ‘entitlement’ programs, relies on the unjust use and taxation of the American citizen’s income, a violation of not only Article 1, Section 8, of the U.S. Constitution, but the Bill of Rights and the 14th Amendment.

SB217 creates new Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) “benefits” for non-citizen children aged 18 or younger who are not lawfully present in United States.  

The Senate passed SB217 on March 2, 2023, by a vote of 25 to 3. We have assigned pluses to the nays because persons who enter the United States illegally—which, by definition, is a crime—ought not to be permitted sanctuary or residency in Utah, let alone be considered eligible for CHIP “benefits.” Besides, neither health care nor social welfare is the legitimate object of government. CHIP, like Medicaid and other so-called federal and state-level ‘entitlement’ programs, relies on the unjust use and taxation of the American citizen’s income, a violation of not only Article 1, Section 8, of the U.S. Constitution, but the Bill of Rights and the 14th Amendment.   

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Did not Vote

SB291 Prohibiting Instant Run-Off Voting in Municipal General Elections (failed 12 to 13 on 2/28/2023). Would bar the use of instant run-off voting in municipal general elections.

SB291 would bar the use of instant run-off voting in municipal general elections.

The Municipal Alternate Voting Methods Pilot Project, which enacted instant-runoff voting (IRV) or ranked-choice voting (RCV) in Utah, should be repealed. The various “alternative voting methods” under the IRV/RCV model are complicated, multiple-round, and unconstitutional processes that weaken election integrity by allowing a candidate to potentially win without genuine support from a plurality of voters. These schemes’ ballot casting requirements cause voter disenfranchisement by undermining each citizen’s right to vote, and could deny them from being able to select the one and only candidate of their choice.

SB291 would bar the use of instant run-off voting in municipal general elections.

The Senate failed to pass SB291 on February 28, 2023, by a vote of 12 to 13. We have assigned pluses to the yeas because the Municipal Alternate Voting Methods Pilot Project, which enacted instant-runoff voting (IRV) or ranked-choice voting (RCV) in Utah, should be repealed. The various “alternative voting methods” under the IRV/RCV model are complicated, multiple-round, and unconstitutional processes that weaken election integrity by allowing a candidate to potentially win without genuine support from a plurality of voters. These schemes’ ballot casting requirements cause voter disenfranchisement by undermining each citizen’s right to vote, and could deny them from being able to select the one and only candidate of their choice.

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Did not Vote

SB16 Ban on Sex Mutilation Against Minors (passed 20 to 8 on 1/27/2023). Bans “transgender medical treatments and procedures” against minor children.

SB16 bans “transgender medical treatments and procedures” against minor children.

No person has a right to abuse a child using the pretext of LGBTQ+ ideology. Sex mutilation against minor children violates their unalienable right to life and limb, as it absurdly attempts to erase their biological characteristics with fictional “gender” constructs. According to the Bill of Rights and the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, the States have a duty to protect the humanity of all people—male and female—who, as the Declaration of Independence affirms, are created by God and form the basis of individual and family self-government.

SB16 bans “transgender medical treatments and procedures” against minor children.

The Senate passed SB16 on January 27, 2023, by a vote of 20 to 8. We have assigned pluses to the yeas because no person has a right to abuse a child using the pretext of LGBTQ+ ideology. Sex mutilation against minor children violates their unalienable right to life and limb, as it absurdly attempts to erase their biological characteristics with fictional “gender” constructs. According to the Bill of Rights and the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, the States have a duty to protect the humanity of all people—male and female—who, as the Declaration of Independence affirms, are created by God and form the basis of individual and family self-government.

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