Freedom Index

A Legislative Scorecard Based on the Principles of the U.S. Constitution

Legislative Scorecard Based on the U.S. Constitution

The Legislative Scorecard is a nationwide educational program of The John Birch Society. Its purpose is to create an informed electorate on how state legislators are voting. The Scorecard is nonpartisan; it does not promote any candidate or political party. Bills are selected for their constitutional implications and cost to the taxpayers.

Please share this Scorecard in your district to inform people about your legislator's record on key votes.
U.S. Constitution, Amendment I --- 11 C.F.R. §114(4)(c)(4) --- 616 F.2d 45 (2d Cir. 1980)

Legislative Scorecard

Based on the U.S. Constitution

VT Scorecard 2023

The Legislative Scorecard is a nationwide educational program of The John Birch Society. Its purpose is to create an informed electorate on how state legislators are voting. The Scorecard is nonpartisan; it does not promote any candidate or political party. Bills are selected for their constitutional implications and cost to the taxpayers.

Please share this Scorecard in your district to inform people about your legislator's record on key votes.
U.S. Constitution, Amendment I --- 11 C.F.R. §114(4)(c)(4) --- 616 F.2d 45 (2d Cir. 1980)

The following scorecard lists several key votes in the Vermont Legislature in 2023 and ranks their State Senators and House Representatives based on their fidelity to (U.S.) constitutional and limited-government principles.


1. Statewide Preschool Funding

Good Vote: No

H217 Statewide Preschool Funding (passed 116 to 31 on 6/20/2023). Would require all school districts to provide full day kindergarten care to all children in the district.

2. Cap and Trade Scheme

Good Vote: No

S5 Cap and Trade Scheme (passed 107 to 42 on 5/11/2023). Would force a carbon credit system upon businesses, and increase the role of the state in energy matters.

3. Government-Funded Lunches

Good Vote: No

H165 Government-Funded Lunches (passed 122 to 25 on 5/10/2023). Would take money from the federal government to provide universal school lunches in Vermont.

4. Red Flag Law

Good Vote: No

H230 Red Flag Law (passed 106 to 34 on 5/5/2023). Allows family members to report someone as unstable, prohibiting them from purchasing a weapon.

5. "Reproductive Health"

Good Vote: No

S37 “Reproductive Health” (passed 114 to 24 on 4/21/2023). Requires insurance companies to provide so-called gender affirming health care and abortion coverage to residents of Vermont.

6. Climate Change "Education"

Good Vote: No

H126 Climate Change “Education” (Passed 108 to 36 on 3/23/2023). Would bring 50 percent of Vermont’s total land area under conservation status by 2050.

Legislator Scores
[ + ] Pro-liberty Vote[ - ] Anti-liberty Vote[ . ] Did not Vote
Name Party District Score 123456
Julia Andrews D HD-CHI25 0% ------
Joseph Andriano D HD-ADD 40% .+-+--
Peter Anthony D HD-WAS3 0% ------
John Arrison D HD-WIN2 0% ------
Angela Arsenault D HD-CHI2 0% ------
Sarita Austin D HD-CHI9-2 0% ------
John Bartholomew D HD-WIN1 0% ------
Ashley Bartley R HD-FRA1 50% -+-+-+
Scott Beck R HD-CAL3 67% ++++--
Daisy Berbeco D HD-CHI21 0% ------
Matt Birong D HD-ADD3 0% ----.-
Alyssa Black D HD-CHI8-3 0% ------
Tiffany Bluemle D HD-CHI6-5 0% ------
Seth Bongartz D HD-BEN4 0% ------
Michelle Bos-Lun D HD-WIN4 0% ------
Lucy Boyden D HD-LAM3 0% ------
Erin Brady D HD-CHI2 0% ------
Carolyn Branagan R HD-FRA1 83% ++-+++
Patrick Brennan R HD-CHI9-2 100% ++++++
Jana Brown D HD-CHI1 0% ------
Nelson Brownell D HD-BEN1 0% -...--
Jessica Brumsted D HD-CHI5-2 0% ------
Thomas Burditt R HD-RUT2 100% ++..++
Mollie Burke D HD-WIN2-2 0% ------
Elizabeth Burrows D HD-WIN1 0% ------
Tesha Buss D HD-WIN5 0% ------
Scott Campbell D HD-CAL3 0% ------
William Canfield R HD-RUT3 100% ++++++
Melanie Carpenter D HD-LAM2 0% ------
James Carroll D HD-BEN5 0% ------
Conor Casey D HD-WAS4 0% ------
Ela Chapin D HD-WAS5 0% .-----
Seth Chase D HD-CHI9-1 0% ------
Heather Chase D HD-WIN 0% ------
Robin Chesnut-Tangerman D HD-RUT 0% ------
Kevin Christie D HD-WIN4-2 0% ------
Brian Cina P HD-CHI6-4 0% ------
Paul Clifford R HD-RUT4 100% ++++++
Sara Coffey D HD-WIN1 0% ------
Esme Cole D HD-WIN6 0% ------
Peter Conlon D HD-ADD2 0% ------
Timothy Corcoran D HD-BEN2-1 0% ------
Mari Cordes P HD-ADD4 0% ------
Allen Demar R HD-FRA7 80% ++-+.+
Carl Demrow D HD-ORA1 0% ------
Eileen Dickinson R HD-FRA3-2 100% +++.++
Leonora Dodge D HD-CHI23 0% ------
Karen Dolan D HD-CHI8-2 0% ------
Kari Dolan D HD-WAS7 0% ------
Anne Donahue R HD-WAS1 60% ++-+.-
Katherine Donnally D HD-LAM2 NA ......
Abbey Duke D HD-CHI17 NA ......
David Durfee D HD-BEN3 0% ------
Caleb Elder D HD-ADD4 0% ------
Alice Emmons D HD-WIN3-2 0% ------
Bobby Farlice-Rubio D HD-CAL1 0% ------
Gina Galfetti R HD-WAS 67% -+++-+
Rey Garofano P HD-CHI8-1 0% ---.--
Leslie Goldman D HD-WIN3 0% ------
Kenneth Goslant R HD-WAS1 67% ++-+-+
Rodney Graham R HD-ORA1 80% ++-+.+
Edye Graning D HD-CHI3 0% ------
James Gregoire R HD-FRA6 67% -+++-+
Lisa Hango R HD-FRA5 100% +++.++
James Harrison R HD-RUT1 83% ++++-+
Troy Headrick D HD-CHI15 0% ----.-
Mark Higley R HD-ORL 100% ++++++
Rebecca Holcombe D HD-WIN2 0% ------
Philip Hooper D HD-ORA 0% ------
Robert Hooper D HD-CHI6-1 0% ----.-
Lori Houghton D HD-CHI8-2 0% ------
Mary Howard D HD-RUT5-3 0% ------
Noah Hyman D HD-CHI8 0% ------
Kathleen James D HD-BEN4 0% ---.--
Stephanie Jerome D HD-RUT6 0% ------
Emilie Kornheiser P HD-WIN2-1 0% ------
Emilie Krasnow D HD-CHI9 0% ------
Jill Krowinski D HD-CHI6-3 NA --....
Larry Labor R HD-ORL1 100% ++++++
Dennis Labounty D HD-CAL3 33% -+--+-
Kate Lalley D HD-CHI6 0% ------
Martin LaLonde D HD-CHI7-1 0% ------
Saudia Lamont D HD-LAM 0% ------
Diane Lanpher D HD-ADD3 0% ------
Wayne Laroche R HD-FRA5 100% ++++++
Josie Leavitt D HD-GRA 0% ------
Jed Lipsky I HD-LAM1 33% -+---+
Kate Logan D HD-CHI16 0% ----.-
Emily Long D HD-WIN5 0% ------
Eric Maguire R HD-RUT5 83% ++++-+
Michael Marcotte R HD-ORL2 80% -++++.
James Masland D HD-WIN2 0% ------
Christopher Mattos R HD-CHI10 100% ++++++
Kate McCann D HD-WAS4 0% -----.
Mike McCarthy D HD-FRA3-1 0% ------
Patricia McCoy R HD-RUT1 100% +++.++
Francis McFaun R HD-WAS2 60% -++.-+
Jubilee McGill D HD-ADD5 0% ------
Marc Mihaly D HD-WAS6 0% ------
Brian Minier D HD-CHI11 0% ------
Michael Morgan R HD-GRA1-1 83% ++-+++
Kristi Morris D HD-WIN3-2 0% ------
Mary Morrissey R HD-BEN2-2 67% -+-+++
Michael Mrowicki D HD-WIN4 0% ------
Emma Mulvaney-Stanak P HD-CHI6-2 0% -----.
Logan Nicoll D HD-RUT2 0% ------
William Notte D HD-RUT5-4 0% ------
Daniel Noyes D HD-LAM2 0% ------
Kate Nugent D HD-CHI10 0% ------
John O'Brien D HD-WIN1 17% -+----
Carol Ode D HD-CHI6-1 0% ------
Thomas Oliver R HD-FRA4 100% .+++++
Woodman Page R HD-ORL2 100% ++++.+
Kelly Pajala I HD-WIN 0% ------
Joseph Parsons R HD-ORA 83% ++-+++
Avram Patt D HD-LAM 0% ------
Henry Pearl D HD-CAL 0% ----.-
Arthur Peterson R HD-RUT2 100% ++++++
Phil Pouech D HD-CHI4 0% ------
Monique Priestley D HD-ORA2 0% ------
Beth Quimby R HD-CAL3 NA ......
Barbara Rachelson D HD-CHI6-6 0% ------
Mike Rice D HD-BEN 0% ------
Tristan Roberts D HD-WIN6 0% ------
Jarrod Sammis R HD-RUT3 67% -+-+++
Lawrence Satcowitz D HD-ORA 0% ------
Robin Scheu D HD-ADD1 0% ------
Charles Shaw R HD-RUT6 83% ++-+++
Amy Sheldon D HD-ADD1 0% ------
Laura Sibilia I HD-WIN 17% +-----
Katherine Sims D HD-ORL 0% ------
Taylor Small P HD-CHI6-7 0% ------
Brian Smith R HD-ORL1 100% ++++.+
Trevor Squirrell D HD-CHI3 0% ------
Gabrielle Stebbins D HD-CHI6-5 0% ------
Thomas Stevens D HD-WAS 0% -----.
Mary-Katherine Stone D HD-CHI14 0% ------
Heather Surprenant P HD-WIN4-1 0% ------
Curt Taylor D HD-CHI9-1 0% ------
Christoper Taylor R HD-CHI 83% ++-+++
David Templeman D HD-ORL3 20% ---+-.
Tristan Toleno D HD-WIN2-3 0% ------
Casey Toof R HD-FRA3-1 83% ++++-+
Dara Torre D HD-WAS2 0% ------
Joseph Troiano D HD-CAL2 0% ------
Matt Walker R HD-FRA4 83% ++++-+
Chea Evans D HD-CHI5 0% ------
Kirk White D HD-WIN 0% ------
Dane Whitman D HD-BEN2-1 0% ------
Terri Williams R HD-ESS 100% ++++++
Jonathan Williams D HD-WAS3 0% ------
Charles Wilson R HD-CAL3 100% +++.++
Theresa Wood D HD-WAS 0% ----.-

Average Constitutional Score by Party

Party Score
Democrat 1.1%
Republican 85.8%
Progressive 0%
Independent 16.7%