Freedom Index

A Legislative Scorecard Based on the Principles of the U.S. Constitution

Legislative Scorecard Based on the U.S. Constitution

The Legislative Scorecard is a nationwide educational program of The John Birch Society. Its purpose is to create an informed electorate on how state legislators are voting. The Scorecard is nonpartisan; it does not promote any candidate or political party. Bills are selected for their constitutional implications and cost to the taxpayers.

Please share this Scorecard in your district to inform people about your legislator's record on key votes.
U.S. Constitution, Amendment I --- 11 C.F.R. §114(4)(c)(4) --- 616 F.2d 45 (2d Cir. 1980)

Legislative Scorecard

Based on the U.S. Constitution

WY Scorecard 2021-2022

The Legislative Scorecard is a nationwide educational program of The John Birch Society. Its purpose is to create an informed electorate on how state legislators are voting. The Scorecard is nonpartisan; it does not promote any candidate or political party. Bills are selected for their constitutional implications and cost to the taxpayers.

Please share this Scorecard in your district to inform people about your legislator's record on key votes.
U.S. Constitution, Amendment I --- 11 C.F.R. §114(4)(c)(4) --- 616 F.2d 45 (2d Cir. 1980)

The following scorecard lists several key votes in the Wyoming Legislature in 2021 and 2022 and ranks state representatives and senators based on their fidelity to (U.S.) constitutional and limited-government principles.

This is our first state-level Scorecard; the selected votes may not be reflective of legislators’ overall records. Their cumulative scores will change as we add more votes. Please check regularly for updates.

House of Representatives

1. Article V - Con Con

Good Vote: No

HJ2 Article V - Con Con (Rejected 21 to 37 on 2/16/2022). Requests that Congress call for a convention for proposing amendments to the United States Constitution.

2. Federal COVID-19 Relief Funding

Good Vote: No

SF118 Federal COVID-19 Relief Funding (Passed 49 to 7 on 4/7/2021). Allows the Governor to create new government programs to spend federal ARPA funds.

3. Abortion Education Funding

Good Vote: Yes

HB253 Abortion Education Funding (Passed 47 to 10 on 4/6/2021).  Prohibits the University of Wyoming and community colleges from expending funds on abortions or insurance coverage for abortions.

4. Firearm Business Rights

Good Vote: Yes

HB236 Firearm Business Rights (Passed 44 to 13 on 4/6/2021).  Prohibits financial institutions from discriminating against firearm related businesses.

5. Born Alive Abortion Care

Good Vote: Yes

SF34 Born Alive Abortion Care (Passed 48 to 11 on 4/2/2021). Requires that any physician performing an abortion shall take steps to preserve the life and health of the baby if born alive.

6. Voter ID

Good Vote: Yes

HB75 Voter ID (Passed 58 to 8 on 4/1/2021). Requires that acceptable identification be presented before voting in person.

Legislator Scores
[ + ] Pro-liberty Vote[ - ] Anti-liberty Vote[ . ] Did not Vote
Name Party District Score 123456
Ocean Andrew R HD-046 50% --+-++
Mark Baker R HD-060 83% +-++++
Chad Banks D HD-017 17% +-----
John Bear R HD-031 100% ++++++
Jim Blackburn R HD-042 83% +-++++
Landon Brown R HD-009 80% .-++++
Donald Burkhart, Jr R HD-015 67% --++++
Marshall Burt L HD-039 NA ....++
Aaron Clausen R HD-006 83% +-++++
Cathy Connolly D HD-013 17% +-----
Barry Crago R HD-040 83% +-++++
Shelly Duncan R HD-005 83% +-++++
John Eklund R HD-010 67% --++++
Danny Eyre R HD-019 83% +-++++
Jamie Flitner R HD-026 83% +-++++
Bill Fortner R HD-052 80% +-+++.
Chuck Gray R HD-057 100% ++++++
Mike Greear R HD-027 100% +...++
Tim Hallinan R HD-032 67% --++++
Jeremy Haroldson R HD-004 100% ++++++
Steve Harshman R HD-037 83% +-++++
Scott Heiner R HD-018 67% --++++
Bill Henderson R HD-041 67% +-+-++
Mark Jennings R HD-030 100% ++++++
Mark Kinner R HD-029 67% --++++
Christopher Knapp R HD-053 67% --++++
Lloyd Larsen R HD-054 67% --++++
Andi LeBeau D HD-033 17% +-----
Joe MacGuire R HD-035 67% +-+-++
Chip Neiman R HD-001 60% +-+-.+
Sandy Newsome R HD-024 83% +-++++
Bob Nicholas R HD-008 67% +-++-+
Kevin O'Hearn R HD-059 83% +-++++
Ember Oakley R HD-055 83% +-++++
Jerry Obermueller R HD-056 83% +-++++
Jared Olsen R HD-011 67% --++++
Pepper Ottman R HD-034 80% -.++++
Jerry Paxton R HD-047 83% +-++++
Karlee Provenza D HD-045 17% +-----
Rachel Rodriguez-Williams R HD-050 67% -...++
John Romero-Martinez R HD-044 67% --++++
Jim Roscoe I HD-022 17% ---+--
Andy Schwartz D HD-023 17% +-----
Trey Sherwood D HD-014 17% +-----
Evan Simpson R HD-021 67% --++++
Albert Sommers R HD-020 67% --++++
Clark Stith R HD-048 83% +-++++
Clarence Styvar R HD-012 100% ++++++
Pat Sweeney R HD-058 17% -----+
Tom Walters R HD-038 50% +---++
Art Washut R HD-036 83% +-++++
Cyrus Western R HD-051 83% +-++++
Robert Wharff R HD-049 100% ++++++
JD Williams R HD-002 NA -.....
Sue Wilson R HD-007 83% +-++++
John Winter R HD-028 100% ++++++
Mike Yin D HD-016 0% ------
Dan Zwonitzer R HD-043 67% --++++

Average Constitutional Score by Party

Party Score
Republican 77.1%
Democrat 14.6%
Independent 17%